Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Father's Precious Treasures

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 ~Day 8 (Kara)

I never imagined that when I lost my heart and fully engaged loving on kiddos in India that it would be to the special needs children at Sarah's Covenant Homes.  These children are the most unwanted and unloved children in all of India.  They are good for nothing here, not even trafficking.  Their living conditions at SCH aren't the best although they are nice for India.  Yet their entire beings light up at the simplest of things - a smile, a hug, or spinning in circles.  As my heart opened wider and wider in love, I looked around and thought, "Why would anyone not want these children?"  Sure, they are more work than a "normal" child, but they bring five-times more joy and give five-times more love.  They are cradled in the Father's hand and precious in His eyes.  Their eyes carry the light of Perfect Love and that, my friends, is priceless!

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Saturday, December 1, 2012

From the heart & perspective of Hellen

Today was a day filled with adventure & beauty. We as a team headed out for a day into the Aruku Mountains. With each turn, the air was fresher & cooler--touching the deep parts of our hearts. From the mango trees to the coffee fields, we were able to see India from a new perspective. Though the landscape was breathtaking, I would have to say that the moment which truly took my breath away was 2 fisherman on our boat ride & what the Lord was stirring in each of their hearts. I sensed a curiosity and so towards the end of our ride, I asked them if they sensed something different. They said 'yes'. They noticed a peace. I then began talking to them about my best friend--Jesus. One man, Abubu, held nothing back & gave his life in full to Jesus. As he was doing so, the village surrounded around us and started to watch. It was a beautiful & unexpected surprise to our day of travel.

So, I would have to say that this was a reminder to me & the team that we are to hold nothing back because Jesus paid it all & is worth it all! Let your light shine where you are. Be sensitive to His voice & learn to walk in His presence. Because your life is meant to be an ADVENTURE!!! Peace to your soul this blessed Christmas season.

A Day of Worship and Prayer

(Sunday - December 2, 2012)

When asked to use one word to describe today, I chose "peaceful." I really felt it was a day to just rest in God's presence and find peace in him.

We held a Sunday service with the children and staff at Impact. The kids were so wonderful. We taught them a lesson on how Jesus loves them no matter what and  they got to get their picture taken with my Instax camera (like a Polaroid camera), which we stuck onto a piece of paper for them so they could decorate. The paper said "Who does Jesus love?" and they got to write their names. The kids loved it!

Frankie played some fun songs for the kids afterwards. They really seem attached to the "Oh! Happy Day!" song and they were laughing and giggling and just having a good time. Chelsea and Kara each had an opportunity to speak to the kids. They both did an amazing job sharing parts of their own lives and relating it to how Jesus is enough. I think that even if the kids don't fully understand what this means right now, these messages will be something that sticks with their hearts forever. I hope some day they will look back and remember what Chelsea and Kara shared with them and just find so much comfort and strength in it.
I know that God has amazing plans for these kids and for Impact Ministries. As we proceeded with the service: worshiping and praying together...praying over the kids and staff...having them pray over us...simply praising the could just feel God's presence. He was so there and full of so many blessings and so much grace. It warmed my heart to know that despite the baggage and scars the kids have, God is not going to let that keep them down. He is going to turn their heartache and pain into something so good and they will become amazing warriors for Christ in this broken country.

It has been such a blessing to be with Raj and Coleen and these beautiful children. They are all such beacons of hope admits so much darkness. Truly a light blazing for Jesus. It was wonderful to relax over lunch and then spend the rest of the afternoon playing with the kids.

I cannot describe how amazing it feels to have one of these children run up to you and throw their arms around you. Raj and Coleen have told us that they feel so thankful that we were all willing to come here and just love on their kids but really I cannot put into words how thankful I am to be able to be here and be loved on by these kids. They are just so happy to be with us it hurts my heart. I'm sure the rest of the team feels this way as well, but just that God would choose us...that God would choose me to be here is such a blessing and so amazing. I cannot say "Thank you!" to him enough!

In the evening we all headed over to a school for the blind. It was an experience that was filled with so much hope. I felt it was just so wonderful to see these people who have been abused and thrown away from society and yet they have found refuge in Christ and are able to be such and example for him.
Brittney pointed out that it is so sad to think of how society will see these people as being lesser but she see them as being stronger. She said that they have to do the same things we do every day only they cannot see. I really like how she pointed out that God has given them such a blessing in their blindness because it serves as a constant reminder to them to lean on God and to trust him.

It was powerful to see  these people singing and worshiping God. I was thankful to be given the opportunity to share with them a little bit of my own story and I hope it was encouraging to them. Debbie also talked a bit about her past and how she was able to learn to depend on God. I pray that the students were able to find comfort and peace in this.

After sharing and worshiping together, we were all able to go out and pray for each and every person there. I feel in my heart that this was an uplifting and powerful experience for all of the students and staff and I hope that they will always find strength in Jesus.

We ended the evening at the school serving dinner to the students. It was really just all so peaceful and encouraging.

I feel like the theme of today was trusting that Jesus is enough. This is both for the people we encountered and also ourselves. For us, we have to trust that Jesus is enough to take care of this country and to get us through the day. Our hope is in the Lord. Amen.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Let us fix our eyes on Jesus...
-Hebrews 12:2a

This has been the cry of my heart lately. Honestly, my eyes easily stray elsewhere--to problems, distractions, work, what I don't have, what I do have, tasks/projects, etc. The key is that my eyes are never to be off the gaze of Jesus. When I find my eyes on His, I am strengthened and everything else becomes clear. 

Recently, I have been returning to truly being a living prayer. What does that mean? I'm slowly figuring it out. But I believe that it has a lot to do with "being aware." This not only means of my surroundings, but of people's hearts, of the Lord's presence. of my own heart, etc. I have been blessed in having the honor to lead a team to India the end of this month. During our preparation, the Lord has stirred my heart to memory of the power and the sweetness of prayer (intimacy) with Him. By the time the team leaves, our hearts have become one. We would've been praying/fasting for one another and our team over the course of the past couple of months. The cord that draws us together is the blood of Jesus, but also the intimacy of prayer/fellowship with Him.

They have sharpened the discipline of prayer and hunger for Jesus in my life. So, this week--there isn't just one person whom I applaud. I applaud Jesus (always)! But I applaud my India team: Andy, Brit, Debi, Samantha, Chelsea, Danielle, Jenny, Frankie, and Kara. They are beautiful and they have answered the call and continue to do so as they press into the heart of Jesus. I love it! 

So, fix your eyes on Jesus. I promise that you won't be disappointed. He's so worth it! He paid it all. He truly paid it all for you because He loves you more than you could possibly imagine! I pray that your heart is encouraged by this song below. It's been on repeat lately. 

All the glory, honor, and praise belongs to Jesus!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Peace for the Heart

…Seek peace and pursue it. –Psalm 34:14

Rest is a gift that proceeds from peace. Peace—in the truest sense of the word, is like a deep running water of life overflowing the soul—providing nourishment and long-lasting strength.

Lately, I have been discovering that peace is one of the first things that the enemy and the world tries to rob from us.  Oftentimes, this occurs subtly and we are unable to realize it until we are on our last leg.  It’s easy to become distracted with tasks, work, responsibilities, relationships, etc. All of these things are wonderful and we’re not meant to confuse apathy with rest, but we are called to recognize the difference.

Peace is a fruit that comes forth from abiding in its source. When you feel anxious or distressed or worn, you are called to “take Christ’s yoke upon you” (Matthew 11:28). We each are called to tend to our relationship with Christ because he will help guard and protect our peace—and ultimately our rest. He is our strength and strong tower. In his cleft we find rest for our souls.

As in this picture, our hearts are to remain ever-flowing. Our peace should never become stagnant or dry. If it does, there will be unrest. There will be weariness and distress and worry. Let your heart be filled with the overflowing today. Take time to truly seek peace. Ask for it. Ask for a new revelation of it. And learn to dwell in the center of peace.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Southern Thanks.

Recently, I've had the privilege of discovering Nashville. My international travels have settled down a bit and this has given me the opportunity to truly begin to make my roots in my hometown. I'm loving it and beginning to see more clearly why God eventually establishes us in different cities, countries, etc. Our home is always in Him no matter where we go, but there's something particularly beautiful about being established and "at home." I'm forever amazed at the Lord's timing. All the seasons in our lives are truly about timing. And I can happily say that Nashville is a more established season in my life. And I'm loving it! 

I've been brought back to my southern roots full circle, while being able to venture out into a new area. It's beautiful and I love it! One of my "full circles" is getting to live down the road from Kate and Dustin Wise--two dear friends from my YWAM days in Australia. Not only do we live nearby each other, but we have been able to be in the same Bible study together. I love how God works! Last weekend, Kate had another YWAM friend, Jeremy, come for a mini-vacation to Nashville and we explored the famous Nashville Farmer's Market. If you've never been, you must go. Great food, music, and ambiance. As we stuffed our faces with delicious food, took photos in a side doorway, and laughed the night away, my heart smiled because I realized that I was home. The warm summer air that sticks on the back of your neck, reminded me of my childhood and of how life is this beautiful, precious gift that we get one shot at and I found myself thankful. I was so thankful to be able to see where I've been, where the Lord has taken me, and excited to where we would go next. But for the moment, just ever so thankful for the moment of being home.

So, here's to the rest of the hot summer days filled with lavender ice cream, windows rolled down, and laughter. Here's to being home. I pray that you are thankful wherever you are. Take a moment to see the good as He does.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Missing Italy

Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life. -Anna Akhmatova

There is something about Italy that gets under your skin like no other place. Maybe it's the way the light hits the buildings there or how much more delicious the pasta, the wine, and the gelato are. Or maybe it's the sounds of the language itself or how at every turn, life seems to be more beautiful! Whatever it is, my heart has been longing to return ever since I left. Now, don't get me wrong, I love every place that I travel to. Each country has something unique and alive about it. Honestly, I believe that it is this way because God created it out of his incredible design. But Italy truly speaks to a place in your soul like no other place ever does. It's like a dream that reminds you of how life used to be--the color, the casual, but purposeful pace, and the stimulation it brings to your heart and mind. It is truly a place that calls you back.

And right now, I'm being called back. I wish I could tell you that I have a plane ticket in hand and that I'm ready to go, but I don't. All I know is that I will return to Italy--the most romantic and lively place I've been. So, for now, I'll eat my pasta and watch Roman Holiday and dream of the day I'll return. May you also be blessed to encounter the beauty of Italy and sing: La vita e bella!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Chickens & the HUG That Never Lets Go

My theme song is God's love and justice, and I'm singing it right to you, God. -Psalm 101:1

Today was our final orphanage visit. What a full and abundant day it was! Some of us set out early in the morning to purchase chickens from the market for Well Being orphanage. Sights, sounds, squawks, herding the chicken in, and the list goes on. We finally arrived (after a 3 hour jaunt) to Well Being. Joseph, a young teen there, helped us carry them to the coop. There were about 40 total. After we had finished, we loaded up to pick up the rest of the crew and head to Children Household of Tomorrow. What a joyous and precious bunch! My phrase for this visit is "the hug that would never let go". As you can see in the picture above, this is my friend, Laurie. She came over shortly after we arrived and hugged me our entire stay. I would dance, but she would continue to hug--never letting go. It was truly a precious visit.

Honestly, I can say that the Lord began to speak to my heart through this little one. He started to say how this is how His love is and how he longs for us to "hug" Him. He said that oftentimes we hug and immediately run away and go and hang out with friends or run towards something else, but how he loves it when we hold on--refusing to let go. On the flip-side, I also heard Him say how this is how His love is--holding onto us (even when we're unaware) and hugging us. He said that His love never lets go and keeps on holding on. How incredible, huh?

Tomorrow we head out to church at Source de la Grace and have a day of debriefing and preparing to head home on Monday. It's been an incredible time and one where the Lord once again opens my eyes to His unfailing love. Love and peace to you all! Until voir! 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Dancing, Jamming, & Giving Praise

Singers and dancers give credit to Zion: "All my springs are in You!"
-Psalm 87:7 (MSG)

Today was a day of dancing, jamming, and giving praise to Jesus--our King and Lord! We as a team went up into the mountains to HCRM orphanage. We worshipped the Lord and held little ones and prayed with them, but my heart was specifically touched as one of the teens in our group took it upon herself to teach some of the other teens some dance moves. Before I knew it, the deck was full and the kids were learning a new dance that they hadn't learned to Brit Nicole's song, Ready or Not

Before my eyes, I was witnessing youth share the love of Jesus with other youth and it was a beautiful sight. I went towards the courtyard and found the male youth playing soccer and basketball with some of the guys that lived at HCRM. Some of us jump roped downstairs. All of the kindness and love of Jesus was being displayed. I can see His smile and it's beautiful. I am once again overtaken by the beauty of Jesus in all the Haitians around me.

Joy in the Little Things

No place I would rather be. There's no place I'd rather be than here in Your love.
Set a fire down in my soul that I can't contain and I can't control. I want more of You, God.
-United Pursuit Band

"Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples--when they see the love you have for each other." -John 13:34-35

Yesterday, I was blessed to go to Well Being. Since it had only been 10 days since I'd been in Haiti and at Well Being, my heart was overflowing to visit the children at Well Being. The "little man" in this picture with me is Moise. He has several disabilities, but I believe is one of the most joyful children that I've ever encountered. He has touched many hearts--reminding us of the simplistic grace of Jesus. Since one of my past team members asked me to give him numerous hugs, I thought that it was only fitting that I not only gave him hugs, but got a snapshot with him. This picture truly captures the face of Jesus and I love it!

In addition to playing with Moise, my fabulous Texan team played a rigorous game of soccer with the kids, while encouraging them with the gospel. Others remained in the back, including myself, by helping with the washing. Through numerous shifts we were able to accomplish the washing in a day. There are normally 3 "mamas" helping out with this chore, as well as the cooking. But at the moment, they are down to 1 "mama" doing all the cooking and washing for 26 children! Talk about a lot of work! Praise God for His strength and His perfect timing. When asked if we could help her with the washing and cooking, I was overwhelmed by the smile and gratefulness and relief that filled her face. She was reminded, as I was, that we are never alone. God created community and for us to lean on each other. Seeing clothes lines completely filled with clothes never looked so incredible!!

Yesterday was a day filled with thankfulness and gratefulness and a reminder of how nothing is possible without the love of Jesus. It was also a day of finding joy in the small and simple things. What a gift! I am forever grateful and my heart continues to overflow for the people of Haiti!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Frowns to Giggles

He will fill your mouth with laughter... -Job 8:21

Let me introduce you to Linda. This morning, I found this little girl unresponsive and shy. She wouldn't say a word--even when other Haitians were asking her for her name. So, I decided that I wanted to learn a bit of Hatian Creole. My fabulous translator has begun teaching me. Needless to say, through hugs, kisses, and smiles, the Lord broke through and she began laughing and playing. Her heart began to open up and I found mine doing the same. 

It's amazing what the love of Jesus can do and how it breaks through walls and barriers. There's such beauty in the laughter of a child. I know that it personally melts my heart and reminds me of how precious life is. Linda, just like numerous other kids I met today, just needed someone to remain patient. In Corinthians, God talks about how the first characteristic of love is patience. This has been a year long scripture to me, but it once again rang true in my afternoon with Linda.

So, I'm leaning into LOVE through patience, a smile, persistence, and an expectation of giggles. Don't forget to enjoy the precious gifts that are ever before you!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gressier, Thomazeau, & Days in the Country

God makes his people strong. God gives his people peace. -Psalm 29:11

Each day in Haiti sparks something new in my heart. Over the past 2 days, I've been blessed to share with my team in being exposed to the "goings on" in the outskirts of Port au Prince. Yesterday, we headed out to Gressier to visit Respire Ministries. I was completely amazed at all that has taken place in this ministry over the course of 14 months. Megan Boudreaux, age 26, the director and founder, welcomed us into her home and heart. We were able to witness firsthand what the Lord has been doing in the community of Gressier. The ministry provides schooling, medical care, and a feeding program for children. Basically, it is answering the call to help expose the condition of restaveks in Haiti. It is a form of child slavery that holds over 300,000 captive. Through this ministry, the children are educated and their minds are renewed of who they are in Jesus. I was personally amazed at how the Lord is connecting people together to minister to these children and come alongside Megan in this ministry! They recently started a soccer program. One of my team members, Maria, was a previous professional soccer player and this was a second door that the Lord has opened for her to come and minister in Haiti through soccer. A relationship was formed and a partnership has begun to link. How amazing is our Jesus!

Today, I was blessed to visit Children of Hope in Thomazeau. The children there welcomed me time and time again with the sweetness of their love. I was able to improve in my Creole and sing and dance with the children. We also were able to teach a Bible lesson to them about the love of Jesus. My favorite part of the day, though, was getting to speak into my friend, John's life. John is 13 and attends the school at Children of Hope, but goes home afterwards. His mother passed away and he lives with 8 other siblings. As I was singing with the other children, the Lord put him on my heart as our eyes connected. I was able to share with him the meaning of his name and to speak words of affirmation from the Lord about his calling in life. It was a blessed and honoring experience!

Between my singing with Welove and Janika, I was overtaken by the grace of Jesus. He constantly reminds me of how good he is. And to top it all off, we have heard how different people that we prayed for have been healed since our visit with them. How incredible is Jesus! My heart continues to long for him to touch hearts hear in Haiti--revealing his goodness and the strength that only HE can bring!

As we prepare to head back to the U.S. tomorrow, my heart is longing to stay, but knowing that I need to get back for a few days before my second trip back down here. May we each continue to be still and know that He is God and that He is truly all we need!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Taking Time #10: It is Well With My Soul

Let my cry come right into your presence, God; provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word. Give my request your personal attention, rescue me on the terms of your promise. 
-Psalm 119:169-170

Each day here in Haiti I am seeing more and more of the LIGHT of Jesus. It is truly Him who sustains us. I had the privilege of visiting Well Being Orphanage 2 days in a row, as well as visiting the children at Mother Teresa's Home for the sick children today. With each child that the Lord brings across my path, I am reminded of His unfailing goodness and how He truly meets the needs of His children. I was honored to be part of an answered prayer for food to hungry children. Each time I gaze into one of their eyes, if I take the time to really see, I see Jesus. It's absolutely beautiful and I can't help, but hold each one of them closer--knowing that our Savior is speaking directly through them.

Each moment is worth it--amongst the poor, broken, and dying. It is the love of Jesus that heals. It is He who is speaking and I am amazed! Today, as I was blessed to hold another precious baby and feed her lunch and sing her songs as I held her in my arms, I was overtaken because it wasn't just the little girl who was in front of me. It was Jesus. Jesus was allowing me to minister to Him. This is a concept that I don't fully grasp yet, but am completely captured by. I am captured by the love of my Savior and how all He has and all He is, is completely boundless. He doesn't have limitations and He is drawn to the weak. I am blessed because He is truly answering my prayers by opening my eyes to see Him before me. 

As I was leaving Well Being yesterday, some of the children sang me a song. They sang "Open the Eyes of my Heart". As I'm relaying this back to you, I am seeing how the song they sang was my prayer from the beginning and how the Lord has been answering it every step of the way. I can truly say that it is well with my soul. I am amazed and honored by the love that my Jesus brings.

Tomorrow, we will be going to the countryside to visit Respire Ministries in Gressier, Haiti. My heart is overflowing at what I believe the Lord wants to do there. Thank you for your prayers! May you continually remember that Jesus is always more than enough. Peace over each one of you!

P.S. The little girl in the picture's name is Wlove. I call her my "little love". 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Taking Time #9: Sandwiches & Hatian smiles

But God's not finished. He's waiting around to be gracious to you. He's gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones. -Isaiah 30:18

Take time. It's a phrase and reminder to me that I can hear my mom saying to me in the back of my mind. Take time. Take time to listen. Take time to be in the moment. 

Well, this is exactly what today consisted of: taking time. I was blessed to get to love on some beautiful children at Children Household of Tomorrow today. We made salvation bracelets--sharing the beautiful story of Jesus. The beads also were used for their hair. But beyond the activity, we were able to just be with the children--blessing them with peanut butter sandwiches, and singing songs. Personally, the Lord directed me to a beautiful girl named Mona Lisa and allowed me to teach some of the girls ballet. They taught me hand claps and blessed my heart with the gift of laughter.

I believe that we are given moments by Jesus to learn how to be. This, after all, was what he did best, wasn't it? He looked into a situation, a person's heart, and intervened immediately. I am learning more and more this is what love looks like. It enters immediately into a situation, but never ceases to be completely present. The children today reminded me of this.

We were also blessed to pray with our translator's friend, Emmanuel, who was sick. It was a beautiful time of being present and meeting a situation head on with prayer--trusting our sweet Jesus to intervene. As tears of gratefulness flowed down the cheeks of his face, we were reminded of the power of moving in the small is a move in the BIG--how nothing is small to Jesus.

It was a beautiful first day in Haiti and my heart looks forward to many more to come. Here's to taking time!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Taking Time #8: Meditate in Thankfulness

May each day be filled with a remembrance of a ray of sunshine that is scooped up and poured over every second of your life. May I remember the small things and rest in a place of thankfulness. As I continue to walk on this journey of faith and trying to "process" along the way, I am reminded of how precious and beautiful LIFE is! 

This past week, I was blessed and honored to attend CAFO (Christian Alliance for Orphans) Summit 8 in southern California. It was a trip filled with stories and thoughts about the crisis and call on the church's response to orphans. There were stories of neglected children in our backyard of America, as well as in war-torn inflicted third world nations. It always seems that the innocent are inflicted by the sins of others. As I began to process what was in front of me, I was astounded at how the weather in southern California didn't feel like California. It was cold and wet and cloudy. But as the conference went on and we got to the end of it, the sun started to peek through and it was a reminder to me.

Even though there are many who are suffering and there is deep darkness in the world, there is a God who is greater. His LIGHT is brighter and He is the HOPE of the nations. 

On Saturday, I was released from my routine to explore on my own. Fortunately, the Lord has blessed me with friends all over the world--including California! So, I not only got to spend the day and night with my 2 long-time friends, Lauren & Stephanie, but I also got to go to the beach. And guess what??? The sun came out! The birds flew overhead and the smell of salt and sand filled my lungs. As a girl from the coast, I had personally been having withdrawls from the ocean. But how sweet is our God? He heard my prayer and put a double-portion of blessing on me. I jumped in the water (as freezing cold as it was) and laughed and praised the Lord in His goodness.

So, as I'm now back in Nashville and am processing a bit more, I am reminded of how important it is that we all meditate and rest in thanking God for who He is and all that He's done!

May your days be filled with laughter and your heart be filled with JOY! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Taking Time #7: Joy

Light-seeds are planted in the souls of God's people; joy-seeds are planted in good heart-soil.
-Psalm 97:11

In the picture above, you will see joy--complete joy! These are my precious friends at Korah. Korah is one of the poorest places in Ethiopia. But the people there that have encountered Jesus are some of the most joyous and alive people I've ever met. On this particular day, the children had just finished their meals. Two precious ones had me write down my name and all my family members names, so that they could know them and study them. As we continued our conversation, we started to talk about Jesus and His unfailing love. I then asked them if they knew any songs that spoke of Jesus. They immediately began singing "I am not Forgotten." I was in awe and amazed at how firmly and confidently these beautiful children were singing these words in full belief. They sang knowing of whose they were--knowing that Jesus never forgets them. As they were singing and I started to sing with them, their eyes brightened. They were excited that I knew a song that they knew as well. I then remembered that I had my speakers and ipod with me. I also had that particular song. So, I hooked up my speakers and we sang "I am not Forgotten" until we couldn't sing anymore. I then started to dance and had them dance with me. JOY immediately entered the space we were in. Jesus was already there, but His beautiful presence continued to grow stronger and stronger as we proclaimed His truth of not being forgotten. He was present in our laughter, singing, and dancing. My heart was moved and I am still in awe and wonder at how precious the love of Jesus is. No matter who you are or where you come from, He comes to those who call upon him. He truly does. Light-seeds and joy-seeds were planted that day because the soil was good in the hearts of those at Korah.

So, today--I remember to take the time for joy to enter into my life. I choose to remember that I am never forgotten and neither are the precious thousands at Korah.

I pray that you take the challenge to take the time to see JOY!

P.S. Click on the song for a beautiful taste of "I Am Not Forgotten".

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Taking Time #6: Mothers and Fathers

Learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless...
-Isaiah 1:17

This verse truly says it all. While I was in Ethiopia and Uganda, the Lord began speaking to my heart even more in depth about those that are motherless and fatherless. In Ethiopia and Uganda, it's more common to run across someone who is literally motherless and/or fatherless. Maybe that is why when they hear about Jesus, it's so easy for them to receive. He comes and fills those places in the children and they immediately give him their all. When we are hungry and thirsty, the Lord truly does fill us.

I had the privilege of meeting numerous young girls. They immediately were able to relate to me, but it was nothing in and of myself. These smiles would come forth while we were singing or dancing, but especially when the name of Jesus was mentioned. There truly is power in his name. As those precious smiles would smile at me, I was grounded even deeper in this truth: God, precious Jesus, is the Father to the fatherless. When we catch his gaze, he pours that part of his heart into us. So, with every smile and every hug, the Lord was telling me how he was pouring his mother and father heart into these little ones. But even more amazingly, they were pouring that love into me.

Take the time to receive the mother and father heart of God. And give it to those who are truly motherless and fatherless.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Taking Time #5: Hannah

You have let me experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of your own eternal presence.
-Psalm 16:11 (Living Bible)

Meet Hannah. Her name literally means "grace of God." This precious little girl was one of the first children that I and my team laid our eyes on when we arrived into Korah in Ethiopia. Her big brown eyes peered around the corner. She was hesitant at first, but as soon as she noticed our smiles, she beamed. And she was forever our friend. She wanted to sit next to everyone and play with all the women's hair. My heart was overwhelmed at the tenderness and grace that this little one carried. I was uncertain of her full story, but I do know that her mother was a prostitute who was pulled out of the darkness by the grace of Jesus. The mother now works for Mission Ethiopia where she makes necklaces and bracelets. She is an artist and is able to make more than triple the wages she was making before. 

What amazed me about Hannah was that she carried the essence of what Jesus had done in her mother's life and ultimately hers. Isn't that just like Jesus? He always gets the final say. I love it. His grace is so strong and he is mighty to save. Being in Hannah's presence, I encountered the love and grace of God firsthand. Now, every time I see her picture, I am reminded of the grace that the Lord poured upon her life. What a beautiful life!

May you remember to take the time to notice those around you. Inquire about their stories (because we all have one). And watch the power of God move. Ask Him to touch you with a revelation of his heart for them. I promise you that he will do it. He did it that day in March for me through Hannah.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Taking Time #4: Trust

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.
-Proverbs 3:5-6 (MSG)

So, as I asked the Lord to take me back to Ethiopia and Uganda, he did. He reminded me of a season that I am still walking through at the moment. During my time in Uganda, I was given the opportunity to speak and share the love of the Father's heart through teaching. I am amazed that each time the Lord calls me forward, my heart still longs for only Jesus to say what He wants to say through me to those specific people in that moment. Even though I don't get nervous anymore, the Lord still places a holy fear in me to remind me to trust in Him alone--not leaning on my own understanding. During one of my talks to the women of the Karmojong tribe, I was amazed at how the Lord immediately took me to a deep place in his heart for those women--women who have been abandoned and forgotten by the world. The Lord placed a word of hope and compassion in me--reminding them that the Father never gives up on us. He has not left us as orphans, but has called each of us to be strong in Him alone. 

From this talk, to teaching children Bible lessons and the love of Jesus, the common theme was one of dependence and trust. The Lord is reminding me even now that we are unable to do anything on our own, but need our full confidence and trust in him, so that HE can receive all the glory due his name. I would say that something amazing happens in us when we take the time to trust: our faith rises. We begin to see how great our God is and how when we are obedient to allowing him move in and through us (especially in our doubts and fears), nothing is truly impossible!

So just as the Lord asked me to trust him to give me the words that he wanted to bless the people of Uganda with, I challenge you to trust him with what you're going through right now. Open up your hands before him and ask him to give you the courage, strength, and surrendered spirit to trust in him alone.

Take the time to trust and watch your faith rise.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Taking Time #3: Sarah & Vivian

Then cradling the little ones in his arms, Jesus said, "Whoever embraces one of these little children as I do embraces me, and far more than me--God who sent me." 
-Mark 9:37 (MSG)

Hello. Let me introduce you to Sarah and Vivian. I met these 2 girls in Uganda. They literally found me. For the week that I was in Uganda, Sarah and Vivian were forever at my side. As soon as I stepped out of my dorm room, there they were. They were my 2 little rays of sunshine and the Lord taught me about how fierce and determined love is. Once again, I saw firsthand how love isn't something that we naturally choose, but it chooses us. This is truly who the Father is. He waits patiently outside our doors and embraces us with every chance he gets. His love isn't dependent on whether we'll love him back. He just loves.

This is what my 2 girls Sarah and Vivian did. They just loved. We spent time together talking about Jesus, singing of his love, playing on the playground, laughing, and embracing one another in his love. My heart was moved by these precious girls. Papa God stole my heart through them and my life hasn't been the same. 

May we each strive to love with that determination, rawness, and vulnerability. I know that I've never been disappointed. 

Take the time to hear and see God through another.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Taking Time #2: Almaz

The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out.
-John 1:5 (MSG)

One thing that I've learned on the many travels that I've experienced is that the Lord will always take me to a place to grow me, yes, but to also pinpoint a specific person or situation as to why He sent me there at that specific time. One instance that keeps reoccurring in my heart is of the day our team broke up into smaller groups while we were in Ethiopia. During this time, we were visiting homes and ministering to the families there.

I had the opportunity to visit a woman named Almaz. She had recently lost her husband and lived in a one room mud hut with her 2 daughters and brother. She had been in that home for 30+ years. It was in the center of Korah--which is one of the most impoverished places in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She not only welcomed my group of 4, but opened up her heart as well. She shared how she was thankful for the ministry of Project61 and how they were supplying the educational and physical needs of her children. She spoke of how she still went to the dump daily in hopes of finding food for her family because she lacked the resources to care for their daily needs. She also spoke of how she had been suffering from fistula for over 8 years. What was deeper than her physical scars was the emotional shame that she was carrying.

As she was speaking and opening up her heart, the Lord quickly showed me his overwhelming love for her. It was beautiful. After she was finished, the Lord immediately had me ask her if we could lay hands on her and pray for her. Before I could get the words out, her desperate and heartfelt response of "YES" followed. We opened up by inviting the Lord, Jesus Christ, to come in and do what only HE could do. He entered and ministered directly to her heart--cutting off all shame, dispair, hopelessness, and grief. Jesus revealed who Almaz was to him and his love for her. At that moment, her heart broke and began to heal. She's a believer, but there was a level of freedom that she began to experience that day.

There is something amazing that happens when we listen and obey to what the Lord is saying to us. In an instance, Jesus did in her heart what could have taken a lifetime. Darkness fled and the marvelous light of Jesus entered. My heart was also changed. I was reminded once again that nothing is too great for the Lord to handle. He is truly enough. Almaz reminded me of that.

After prayer, we began speaking and I found out that Almaz means "diamond." She also spoke of us to pray for her oldest daughter whose name is Hellen. My heart stopped because that's my name. Only God can do that--bringing a girl named Hellen to minister to a mother whose daughter is named Hellen. I then let her know that her daughter's name means "light" and that they are both called to shine brightly in the place of darkness--letting everyone know of the freedom found in Jesus.

No one left with dry eyes. Our hearts were touched and we were able to see once again that Jesus is enough. This was learned by "taking the time".

How precious our Jesus is!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Taking the time: Prayer

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 19:14

Beloved, as I have been pondering my experiences in Ethiopia and Uganda, my thoughts are so full that I was uncertain of where I should begin. Last night, I attended a night of prayer with fellow brothers and sisters of mine in Nashville. It was during that time of prayer that the Lord brought clarity to my heart of where to begin: prayer. 

Honestly, the picture above depicts more than I could ever say. Upon going to these 2 African nations, my heart was stirred and challenged regarding my prayer life. As some of these little children began to pray, I heard a deep belief within their beings. They didn't waver in believing in the One they prayed to. They were bold. They were direct. They were specific. They knew Whom they were praying to. They also didn't hold back with how they felt, but I witnessed them resting in Jesus alone--not on their circumstances. Beloved, this is the way that the Father longs for us to pray to Him--with complete unwavering belief.

Each ministry that I visited, there was always a child leading prayer. The children were also preaching and teaching the Word of God. They didn't have a degree in theology. Some of them had barely been educated at all, but they had one thing that was greater than either of these things: an intimate relationship with Jesus.

One ministry that I visited had a young boy preaching, but before he began, he prayed. He knew that his strength was firm only in Christ. Many of us want to speak or to do great things for God, but we must realize that the kingdom of God starts in the small and God does mighty things in the small. 

So, I have decided to take the time. I have decided to take the time for prayer because it matters and I know that is where intimacy with Jesus begins. 

I challenge you to take the time. Take the time for prayer like these precious children. You won't be disappointed.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Taking the Time

As I've just returned from my first trip with Visiting Orphans and am adjusting to life back in Nashville, I am reminded of something: Remember to take time. Take time to remember. Take the time to process all that I saw, encountered, and experienced in Ethiopia and Uganda. Take the time to look at the faces again. Take the time for Jesus to guide me in processing all that is occurring in my head and heart.

Taking time...

It's something that each of us has difficulty doing. We quickly move from one event in our lives to another. We rarely take the time to soak in the moment and to remember the things that we've experienced first hand. So, I'm going to take these next couple of days taking the time.

Each day, I will let the Lord bring to remembrance a story, a person and I will share it with you. I encourage each of you to do this in your own lives. Take the time to hear what Jesus has to say to you. Take time to listen more closely to the hearts around you. Take the time.

Life is a gift. Don't waste it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ready. Set. Go.

"No one lights a lamp, then hides it in a drawer. It's put on a lamp stand so those entering the room have light to see where they're going. Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live wide-eyed in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. Keep your eyes open, your lamp burning, so you don't get musty and murky. Keep your life as well-lighted as your best-lighted room." 
-Luke 11:33-36

Ready. Set. Go.

Yep. All of this and more describes where I am right now. I leave for Africa with 15 other team members to go and love on orphans. Though we'll be participating in practical services, the Lord has been continually speaking to my heart how everything we need is truly found in him. He is the Light that lights our path and He is the ultimate Life-giver and Healer. He is truly the answer. So, as I continue to prepare and finish the "last minute" details before heading out, I continue to remember that Jesus is the answer and my everything is truly found in him. May he continually remind us all of this basic, but beautiful truth. Blessings and thank you for your continued prayers!

Friday, March 9, 2012

In the "Little Things"

No one has seen God, ever. But if we love one another, God dwells deeply within us, and his love becomes complete in us--perfect love!
-I John 4:12 (MSG)

This week, I have continually been astounded at finding God in "the little things." I have been reminded of the sweet treasures that often go unnoticed: a smile, an encouraging word, sunshine, music, birthdays, unexpected gifts, letters, phone calls, and the list goes on. But how many times do we walk by and not notice the little things? I know that I personally have gone days without taking notice. But I have found that when my eyes are opened and I do take notice of the small things, God brings great joy and thankfulness to my heart. It is in these moments that I am reminded of His kindness, His character, and His love. I'm able to see it up front, close, and personal. It wells so deeply within me that it causes me to want to bring "little things" into the lives of others. What I love is how nothing is "little" to Jesus. It all counts. It all matters and it all speaks to His heart. He is continually speaking through the "little things" to show his heart towards me. How often I miss it! 

So, what has been happening in Nashville? My heart and senses are waking up again to the things of God--no matter how small. And all I can do is worship. It has caused me to yearn to pour into the lives of others. How deep and great is his love!

Below is a picture of a "little thing". My friend Kate had a birthday, so we did what everyone should do on their birthdays. We went out to eat and celebrated! Here's to the little things! Yay, God!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Take the Time

Over the past couple of weeks, I've begun to call Nashville "home". Life has truly moved like a whirlwind during this time. Many days, I feel as if I've been here for years and then there are those few moments that sneak up on me and remind me that it's only been a few weeks. How often I find myself trying to "have it all down pat" without giving myself a bit of grace.

I'm so thankful for my newfound friends, my job, and fellowship, but I am duly thankful for days like today. I am truly getting a taste of what it means to "Be still and know..." (Psalm 46:10). So, with coffee in hand, my favorite Pandora mix, and the Bible, I am finding myself getting what I need: a day un-rushed. 

I don't know about you, but I'm always pouring out all of who I am at once--so there won't be any "wiggle room" for people to guess. But God hasn't called me to be this way. He wants others to have the wiggle room to "guess" because this is how He is. He is constantly asking me to come and to seek Him. He wants me to see how I'm constantly evolving. Don't you just love that? He wants me to see how my relationship with Him and with others is daily evolving. He is allowing me to see Him and others in different lights all the time. And they are usually completely and beautifully unexpected. They are out of the ordinary, but in the mundane. For me, He is constantly speaking through the beauty of children and people. And it stirs my heart for justice all the more.

When I see a child, it reminds me that what I'm doing is not done in vain. It has purpose in it all. Plan. Pray. Send...Go. Be. Love. to the orphaned in the world.

So, I encourage you to take the time to be still, to evolve, and to expected God to move in the unexpected. It is beautiful beyond words...And your heart won't go unchanged.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Prayer of my Heart

I long to be still and know that you are God. I stand in awe of You. Your awesome holiness, majestic splendor, blazing glory, limitless power, and unquestionable sovereignty. I worship You for Your flawless character, Your infinite knowledge and wisdom, Your absolute justice, and unswerving faithfulness, unending mercy. I bow my heart and bend my knees before Your dazzling beauty, Your fascinating personality, Your incomprehensible humility, Your unsearchable understanding and Your unfathomable love. My greatest need is to have a far greater revelation of what You are really like. 

This is my prayer. This is the cry of my heart. I long to know Jesus even more closely than I do now. And yet, I am oftentimes held back or find myself holding back from coming closer to His heart. Since my recent move to Nashville, God has been calling me into a deeper place in His heart--to rest and to truly know that He is God. I am finding that as my eyes gaze upon His, everything else pales in comparison. When we rest in Him, we find our strength. 

Peace and grace to you today beyond compare. Trust and know that it is Jesus who TRULY sustains you. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Beginnings

     I am discovering more and more the beauty of seasons. There are 4 seasons in the year, but I believe that we individually have seasons that occur in our lives. They are moments that give us an opportunity to grow or to remain stagnant where we are. Well, I have just begun a new season in my life. This time, I found myself being rooted from one city to establish roots in another.

     Nashville. Nashvegas. Music City.

     Whatever name you call it, I am a Tennessee girl now (but always a Southerner). The Lord has been talking to me recently about letting my roots grow deep. I believe that He's speaking about this season of my life, but more specifically about being rooted in Him alone. This new task of coordinating trips and working on behalf of the cause of orphans has stirred my heart to cling to this truth all the more: Jesus is the best and most secure place to put my roots.

    So, enjoy the pictures of my apartment in Nashville, but know that my roots are in Jesus alone. I hope yours are too. It's the best place to be.

...So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. 
-Isaiah 61:3b

Blessed is the man who trusts the Lord. And whose trust is in the Lord. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit.
-Jeremiah 17:7-8