Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Week of Refreshment

She's finding her beauty. She's finding her grace. She's finding her whole heart. She's showing her face in the light...Standing on the other side of forgiveness. You are different now; I can see it. Standing on the other side of all my angry walls; I don't judge you at all.
-Laura Woodley Osman

The words above are my heart. It describes right where I am and where I believe I am headed. This week, I was struck down by the flu. This is a virus that I don't wish on anyone. It knocks you out and your only friend is the bed. During this time, my only option was to rest, drink loads of water, and wait for the healing. Today was the first day this week that I've woken up and felt truly like a new person. Granted, there are still parts of me that are fatigued, but it was truly as if today was a NEW day! One of the first things that I realized as I felt this refreshment in my soul was that each day is a gift. 

There have been various shifts that have occurred in my life over the past couple of months. Each one was unexpected and tried to keep me from proclaiming the goodness of God. And for a bit, I'm sure  my faith was set back, but praise be to God who always has the last word. He has my heart and is therefore the warrior of it! Walking this life as a single woman in her thirties isn't always easy. Where is my place, since I am one of the few in this stage of life who isn't married and doesn't own a home or have children? Where do I fit? 

And then I hear the Lord say: You fit right here with me. Your home is right here with me. You aren't forgotten. You are seen and used more than you know. You are called to a life that shines! You fit right here with me. Isn't Jesus amazing? I can't say that I always understand or like what the Lord does or is doing, but I am learning more and more that He can always be trusted. Through this season, I believe with all of my heart that He is "setting me up to receive." But in order to receive, I have to trust him with all areas of my heart. 

And so, I take a step forward and say--ok, I trust you, Father. I trust you because you are the one who sees the bigger picture. You are the One who has had my heart from the beginning and you've never left me--not even for a moment. And in everything, you've been teaching me and growing me in your love. You've been teaching me to open up before others--letting them see what you've seen all along and have called lovely. You are my everything and I love you! You are faithful to the end. You are faithful when all of my faith has left me. You remain and my heart remains forever yours.

Taking steps of faith forward are often difficult and challenging, but taking them with Jesus is always good. Life with him is continually good!! So, take your step forward. Drink the cup of refreshment who is the Holy Spirit. Rest in the arms of the Father. And let the Healer, Jesus, do just that--heal you.

Until next week...Hellen

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Step Back in Time

Have you ever had those days that your heart goes back in time a bit? This evening has been one of those times. Maybe it's because spring is in the air and the days are now longer. Whatever it is, I'm thankful. As a child (and I must confess, as an adult), I was an avid lover of musicals. I would act out and sing on end the beautiful melodies composed from decades before me and immerse myself in the characters. Their voices wouldn't just sing, but they would take you into the scene and you felt their joy, excitement, pain, and anguish. And tonight, my musical friends took me back to that place! Cornfields on a sunny day, summer nights on a carousel, the beauty of children in Paris, running out in the rain, and being blindsided by love--all awakened my heart and brought a smile to my face.

So, this is entry is to simply encourage you to step back a few years. Dress up. Go camping. Go to the ballet or symphony. Sign up for dance lessons. Sing. Paint. Remember the simple wonders of being a child and embrace your inner kid within.

I leave you with some lyrics from one of my favorite musicals: Oklahoma.

Don't throw bouquets at me.
Don't please my folks too much.
Don't laugh at my jokes too much.
People will say we're in love.

Don't sigh and gaze at me.
Your sighs are so like mine.
Your eyes mustn't glow like mine.
People will say we're in love.

Don't start collecting things.
Give me my rose and my glove.
Sweetheart, they're suspecting things.
People will say we're in love.

Don't praise my charm too much.
Don't look so vain with me.
Don't stand in the rain with me.
People will say we're in love.

Don't take my arm too much.
Don't keep your hand in mine.
Your hand feels so grand in mine.
People will say we're in love.

Don't dance all night with me.
'Til the stars fade from above.
They'll see it's alright with me.
People will say we're in love.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Revive. Restore. Renew.

You revive me, Lord. And all my deserts are rivers of joy. You are the treasure I could not afford. So I'll spend myself 'til I'm empty and poor--all for you. You revive me, Lord!

Worship is a beautiful thing. With every move, word, and decision that we make, our hearts have the opportunity to worship. We can either choose to worship the King of kings--Jesus or something or someone else. Everyone and everything other than Jesus will fall to the ground. They won't be able to sustain and fulfill our hearts. But worship to Jesus not only brings praise and joy and glory to the King, but an amazing thing happens. He not only receives, but he gives back 100-fold. He supplies our hearts with the overflowing love and joy that only He can give and then allows us to pour it back on Himself. What an amazing thing!!!! 

Today, I heard an amazing statement: God offends the mind to reveal the heart. I realized that God will do whatever it takes to expose the dark to allow His light to shine. I believe that one of the beautiful things about worship is that it is always an overflow of the heart. And when we worship Jesus, He is so pure that he bolts through any obscurity or lie to reveal himself and his truth. 

And so, at this juncture, I'm starting to see how my mind gets easily offended. But it is in these moments that Jesus is revealing my heart. He reveals what has been in my heart all along, but his jealous heart is so kind that he can't stand for me to remain there anymore. And so, he offends my mind and forces me to take a good look at what has been there all along. Oh, the sweet love and kindness of Jesus! 

May our hearts and minds continually be revived, renewed, restored, and reconciled to Christ alone! May we worship Jesus alone and may his sweet Spirit come and have his way--for He is worth it!