Over the past couple of weeks, I've had the privilege of staying with a friend of mine who is a single-mom. I think that it's pretty amazing how Jesus puts us in "out of the box" situations. Some dear friends of mine had scheduled to host a ballet dancer for 6 weeks in their home this summer. Due to difficulties of their own in purchasing a home, this caused them to have to back out of being able to supply a place of respite for their friend. Therefore, they contacted friends and I volunteered my apartment (since I thought I'd be in South Africa). But the Lord had other plans...
I ended up staying in Nashville and found myself "homeless." But not really. I ended up in my friend's house--and though it started out as a moment of "God, what are you doing," it soon became my missions field. Loving on 2 kiddos and my friend--who could use the extra hands started to change my heart. I began to see with the eyes of Jesus the beauty in the mundane. The beauty in changing diapers and reading books until you're blue in the face. It all matters. Because you're loving and pouring out love right where you are.
I have been delightfully surprised, humbled, and honored to be able to share in loving these precious kiddos. I head back to my home on Saturday evening and I must say that I am a bit sad. I've enjoyed having children around, but I believe it's all for a greater purpose through it all.
Oh--the beauty in the ministry of a mom!