Friday, August 16, 2013

Promises:Patience:Audacious Faith

The greatest promises of God will require the most faith and patience on our part. -Rick Joyner

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31

I don't know about you, but sometimes the promises of God seem so distant that it can be tempting to question the faithfulness of Him. But then at other times, the promise is quick to be fulfilled. As I've been walking through a 12 year jaunt of my faith being tested, I have been brought back to this conclusion again and again: My God is faithful. My God is able. My God is willing and he wants to fulfill all and more that He's promised. His timing is perfect. His ways are just. He hasn't forgotten and He's a good Dad. He's a good Husband. He's a good Friend. He's the BEST! 

I'm a visual person, so during my times of prayer, the Lord has been showing me oak trees. They are firmly planted. They are secure. It takes years for them to grow--in order for their roots to be planted. This requires patience and faith. They don't become the trees they were designed to be until years of faith and patience.

Yesterday, I ran across this piece of wisdom: The greatest promises of God will require the most faith and patience on our part. Note that it doesn't say--the greatest promises require the most faith. They require faith, yes, but also patience. Faith coupled with patience brings forth the strongest trees. And though these past 12 years have been challenging, I am thankful. These years have given me a deeper revelation and understanding of what it truly means to be a woman of FAITH and PATIENCE. For the promises that Jesus longs to give, are GREAT! But GREAT things don't come easily.

So, if you are in a similar place, I want to encourage your heart. Believe in Jesus. Trust in His word. He has the final say. Rest in Him and believe that as you do so, you will soar to higher places in His heart and your strength will be renewed again and again!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. -2 Corinthians 1:20

I love this word. I love it because it is truth to the very core. Everything that is truth--that is a promise of God finds its YES in the center of His heart. Because He breathes and speaks the promise into our hearts from the beginning of time. 

Over the past couple of weeks, my heart has been stirring. I've been stirred again for a deeper revelation and intimacy with my precious Jesus. We've been walking together for some time now and we've gone all over the world together. He has spoken and healed. He has networked, connected, and continually does what man and the world says is impossible. We've wrestled together and he's been so kind to allow me to come to him with my doubts, fears, anxieties, unbelief, and darkness. In the midst of it all, he's remained forever near and forever faithful.

So, here I am today--walking with him late into the evening and caught in a place of hunger and desire for him alone. Desiring for him to fulfill his word and his promises of now going on 12 years. But more than that--my heart desires for a deeper intimacy and revelation of his heart. And so, as I continue to press in for breakthrough in his promises to me and others, I wait in confidence knowing that he who said it will surely complete it--in his perfect timing! 

Oh--my sweet Jesus--you are the anchor of my soul. You are what I long for! It is you alone who is steadfast and forever true!

*Artwork by Sarah Rowan Dahl: "It Starts With a Seed" (2012)*