Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kellie: Haiti


Meet Kellie. She may look like an average woman, but she is anything but this. Let me take you into her heart today. She breathes in Jesus and out his mercy and love. Her heart was touched by the people and the children of Haiti. Her heart was broken for the poor (physically and in spirit). But instead of just looking with her eyes, she reached out. She truly takes on "love is an action" to another level. Though her residence is in Tennessee, her home away from home is Haiti. It is with the children in the mountains. It is with those who are deaf and blind and forgotten. She has chosen to see with the eyes of love, though. She started a ministry called Grace So Amazing. This isn't only an orphanage, but a school, a home, a place of refuge for "the forgotten" of Haiti.

Her challenge is for us to see as Jesus wants us to see--with compassion, justice, and love. By her example, my heart is challenged to love to greater depths--extravagantly. Though I've only been to Haiti twice, my heart was captured. I was stirred to challenge others to pray, give, and go--expecting Jesus to break their hearts and to give them vision for their purpose and call for the children of Haiti. Kellie is doing this daily and I want to exhort you to pray for her, the staff, ministry teams, and the children. She is no ordinary woman. She is a woman of faith and of action. She is a hero--captured by LOVE.



Have you ever been surprised by a place that you've visited or traveled to? Have you been surprised that your heart connected and you immediately felt at home--even though it was the farthest from "familiar" than you had ever experienced? This is what India did to me. It surprised me. Or I should say--God surprised me.

Eight years ago, I traveled to India for the first time. I must admit that I went out of shear obedience. I had never liked Indian food, the smells, or even the colors. I never had a burning desire to visit. The opposite was true. I desired to go anywhere other than there. But I love how Jesus has a beautiful sense of humor. Praise be to him that he called me to go to the hills of the Himalayan mountains and to work with the people of Darjeeling and its surrounding areas. Upon every turn, I found myself out of my comfort zone: the food, the lack of indoor plumbing, the smells, the heat and then the cold. The list goes on and on. But the beauty and the presence of the Lord was also more prevalent than I've ever witnessed. Maybe it's because of the millions of people there. But I believe that there is a hunger deeper than what is physical. There is a need--a desire for something greater. And the people were and are reaching. And I witnessed God respond to hunger with his rich presence. He is always present, but our hunger gravitates his heart. It is from our need that he pulls in closer.

A year later after my first 6 week "visit" to India, God called me back (kicking, screaming, and pouting). But I returned again. And this time--I was overwhelmed with a gentle and beautiful surprise: I fell in love with India. God gave me his heart for this nation. I wanted nothing more than to continue to partner with Jesus in this country. But this love came out of a very difficult and challenging trip. I took 7 individuals with me (many whom had never been out of the country before) and we encountered sickness, death, poverty, and injustice together. But we also brought with us the love and light of Jesus--pouring again and again and again--always asking Papa God for more of Himself!!! And boy--did he show up--touching people and doing what he does best--BE GOD!! I returned to Australia, my home at the time, forever changed--again! My heart longed to return right away.

But little did I know that it would be another 5 years before he would grant that desire. This past year, I returned to India--to a new part of the country--Vizag and Ongole in southern India. Once again, my heart came ALIVE. In the garbage dump, in the shacks/shantys, in the most difficult and challenging parts--my heart continued to overflow with JOY! I heard my Papa God say to me: I'm giving you my heart, beloved. This is just a small percentage of how I feel about my kids. 

I don't know when I'll return to India again, but I know that when the time comes, God is going to impart his continual goodness into the lives of others! I know that he'll keep healing. I know that he'll keep pouring out his love and doing above and beyond all we could think, ask, or imagine. The question is: Are you willing? Are you willing to take part (whatever way that looks like)? Are you willing to get uncomfortable and to love with all of who you are? Are you willing for God to do the impossible in and around and through you?

The choice is yours. But if God is calling you to India, I promise you that your life will never be the same.

About Me

This is me--a girl born and raised in the deep south of America with the values of faith, family, work ethic, etiquette, and decorum to mount. I love tradition. Not only my own, but others as well. I am also extremely fond of hand-written notes, monogrammed towels, and a fine glass of wine.

As an avid traveler and coordinator, I have experienced personally how language barriers fall when music and visual art are present. Travel awakens the soul and causes me to be uncomfortable and at home all at once. There's nothing like it. And so, you could say--I have the gift of "wanderlust"--forever out to discover a new place, culture, art, or food.

I am a 30-something gal with a mission to continually be spilling over love and passion--encouraging others to live a life of no regrets--a life bigger than themselves!

Contact me for travel, travel/wine, and/or life advice. Or--to just make a new friend! I'm always excited about encountering and meeting new people!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pressed Down: Running Over: Thankfulness

...good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over... -Luke 6:38

Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing. -Jarod Kintz

Simple things. The smell of coffee. The unsung melody of nature as the sun bids us good morning. Toothpaste and toothbrushes. A sunset multiplied with splashes of vibrant colors radiating the earth from top to bottom. A hug. A smile. Laughter.

Today, the day was filled with the drips of the dew in the day. It was a day tempting me to roll back over to sleep or to snuggle up with a book or classic movie. But as I moved through the day--responding to emails, lighting my fall candle, and drinking the all-too favorite pumpkin-spice latte, I was reminded of the simple things. Every moment is truly a gift and I'm seeing this more and more. I know that I'm still looking through the glass dimly, but amongst the hum drum beats of my days, I've been blessed at seeing things with new eyes. A fresh perspective. Just as the rain washes away the mess of the earth, thankfulness opens up a fresh canvas for our hearts.

And today the rain reminded me of life's special gifts. Rain is my favorite smell. Fall is my all-time cherished season. And coffee--the smell overtakes the crevices of my senses. And lastly--laughter is truly the sound of a soul dancing. Maybe this is why children's laughter is even more captivating. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over...

Isn't it amazing how the "simple things" are just that--simple? And yet, compiled and recognized, they piece together a beautiful weaving of our memories. Smells. Sounds. Senses. Simple.

All together, when given to another, is brining good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and
running over...

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Word to All 20somethings

You are unique. You are brilliant. You are inventive. You are driven. You are creative. You are marked and unlike any other generation before you. But in addition to this, I've noticed something about 20somethings. Some are in their thirties or forties. But it's mostly the 20somethings. Commitment is fleeting. Sticking in through the good, the bad, the everything is challenging for you. Thank you notes are becoming a figment of our imagination and a thing of the past. For some of you, it's non-existent. Hospitality has flown out of the window--bringing a gift when coming over to stay at someone's home. Honor has somehow left us. It's not being implemented somewhere. Or, where it is, it's not being followed-though. Following up with an individual the day after they took time out of their day for you, is becoming a thing of the past. What's disheartening is that it isn't even a thought.

Now, I don't want you to get down in the dumps. But I do want to encourage and challenge you. Let your yes be yes. Follow through--even if it wasn't the correct decision. You gave your word. Follow through. Learn and then you'll know how to budget your time once you've overbooked. Go the extra mile. Not because there is something in store for you, but because it's the correct thing to do. Honor your father and mother--no matter what. Even if they don't honor you--honor them. Things will go well with you, if you do. Honor the elderly and those who supply you with their wisdom. Pay back your debts before you continue spending. Let your yes be YES! Write the thank you letter. Not an email--a true letter. Take the time to put a stamp on it and put it in the post box. Remember the little things because they aren't just little things to the one you're sending it to.

And don't forget: You are unique. You are brilliant. You are inventive. You are driven. You are creative. You are marked. But it's all for a purpose. Don't let your strengths keep you from remembering your weaknesses. Trust me. I've been here. We all have. But make the effort this week. I promise--you won't be disappointed.