Peace. A beautiful word and a great thought. But if you're anything like me, sometimes, you find yourself looking around the corner, in conversations, etc. for it. The blessing of a Christian is that when we don't have peace, we know that the Presence of Jesus isn't on the situation. We have to continually be conscious and aware--inviting the Lord to be among us and in each situation--listening to His voice. And Christmas (though about Jesus and the arrival of a Savior), oftentimes is a season where our peace is stolen. We get wrapped up in busyness or in ourselves. But God has called us to a HIGHER place: Himself.
And this peace isn't found just in church or in a designated time of prayer. It is found in the place of worship that is peering through the ordinary. For instance, last night, I wasn't expecting to encounter peace, but I did. I sat down for a minute to catch up on some emails--only to find in the quiet and darkness my heart whisper out "thank you". Instantly, the Presence of Jesus came. Peace came. And it was in the midst of emails and work! Such a gift!
May we find peace in the ordinary. May we allow him to have his way in our hearts this season and always. Take the time to sit and be still and to truly know that he is God. Invite him into your day-to-day routine. Thank him in the good and challenging times. He's always working on our behalf. Let him transform your heart and mind.
When my heart and mind are focused on Jesus, there is always peace. May he overwhelm your heart with his peace this day!