We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.
-E.E. Cummings
Week 7.
Each week sends me diving more deeply into this story of mine--a depiction that subsumes 2014 and lessons learned. Like a child on a treasure hunt, exploring the hidden places in a cave, so am I forever unearthing the places in my heart and mind. This is a year unlike any other. I know it deep within my heart. And though each year is unique and precious unto itself, 2014 is a year of fulfillment for me. It is a year of forever turning around corners--catching glimpses of wonder, uncertainty, and exhilaration!
The words that folded together this week, wrapping themselves in the warmth within the blanket they're held, set my mind ablaze.
Promises. Transition. Loop. Ineffable. Transformed.
Promises: to give assurance, to send forth
Transition: a change from one state to another, passage from one scene to another
Loop: to enfold, a small narrow opening
Ineffable: too great or intense to be expressed in words, inexpressible
Transformed: to change in form or appearance, to alter
This week, my heart and mind have been stirred and sifted. I have found myself being challenged to speak promises over myself. As I've allowed this vocalization of truth to resonate in my soul, I am reminded how truth brings full assurance and it sends itself forth until what's been spoken has been accomplished.
Oftentimes, it is in these moments of promise that I've depicted the transition that is on the rise. In all honesty, this change in my heart and mind has already begun. The old has passed and the new season is coming. Relationships, friendships, dreams, vision, home--it is shifting. But a new thing is springing up from the ground and it is a beautiful thing!
Like a vine that loops itself around and around, so my thoughts have wrapped around and around my heart. Some have been detrimental. Some have been self-destructive. Many speak life and truth into the inner core of my heart. But the black coils that have been determined to deceive, have failed. They have been seen and their loop has been cut to the root. In their place, my mind is being renewed and there is truth.
And this truth has brought about an ineffable amount of joy and peace and delight. The truth is too precious to put into words. In fact, it can't be. The closest it brings to a description is this: Like a diver who dives without gear, but is able to breathe and see the vivid colors of blue, green, pink--the essence of the sea, there is an unexpected discovery at every turn. And the heart is enveloped in complete happiness--joy!
So much in fact, that what I believe is happening in my mind is a complete transformation. There has been an alteration. And I'm beginning to see as LOVE sees. I'm beginning to LOVE with all of mind. Eight years ago my heart was awakened. This year, my mind is being revived. It is alive and I am in complete awe!
Eight is the number of new beginnings. That is exactly what this year is--a new beginning. So, as I move forward into week eight of this journey found in "52 Lists," I welcome the continued awakening of my mind, heart, and spirit. I welcome a season of new beginnings and for the transitional and ineffable promises to loop and transform my life!
May you do the same.
Keep digging deeper.