Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Faith: Simple and Magnanimous


Such a simple word, but one that fills the room with such magnitude.

I don't know about you, but the word faith often leaves me feeling like I'm "falling short." Like an endless and bottomless sea, I want my faith to be so incomparable that doubt becomes a foreign word.

But if I'm honest, doubt can creep in.

This year, I've decided that I want to carry more faith. I want to believe my God--my Jesus--for bigger and greater things. I desire not to carry this on my own or to think that I can conjure up enough faith. No--my heart steadily beats to carry faith that only Jesus contains. Because, let's face it--he's uncontainable.

So--you problem solvers might be thinking. Well, that's wonderful Hellen, but how are you going to get more faith? Good question.

The answer is this: One step at a time. I will look not to what I can do, but to the One who is greater than I. I will take each day as it comes, but hold onto the One who is able. And I will choose to expect Him to show up in the ordinary, the mundane, and in the simple.

And I will choose to trust when I cannot see.

So--here's to looking at the simple word of faith and allowing it to fill the room beyond my imagination!

More from the desk of a dreamer and blogger...

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