But as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him." -1 Corinthians 2:9
I'm breathing in your grace and breathing out your praise! -MattR
Jesus is all about relationship. When we're in relationship, we learn each other. When we are in relationship with Jesus, we learn him. And we can't help but begin to reflect him! -Hellen Willett
My heart has been stirring over the past month or so. Specifically, over the past month, I've been reflecting and meditating more deeply upon the goodness of God. Within the lives of others, I'v
e witnessed excelled growth and hunger for Jesus. And I can't help but stand and respond with praise.
Are there still areas of breakthrough I know that Jesus wants to plummet through in my own heart and in the lives of others this year? Yes! But as I wait for Him, my strength is being renewed. My heart is being restored, refreshed, and I'm realizing something: Every moment is a gift. Relationships. Finances. Health. Spiritual revelations. It's all a gift! Every second. It's all because of HIS grace!
And as this truth moves from my head to my heart, I can't help but praise Him! Regardless of my circumstance, I am seeing--I am witnessing--I am a testimony of His goodness. And so are YOU!
And what's more--just like all of creation, we are not meant to walk in this alone. We are meant for fellowship with one another--to pour into, to laugh with, to cry with, and to be vulnerable, real, broken, honest with those around us. Because we are God's workmanship--prepared in advance for HIS good work! We, as believers and followers of Jesus, are meant to SHINE LIGHT into a darkened world. We're meant to be an offering of praise and to BURN for others to see and know the beauty and glorious HOPE found in Jesus.
Every place you put your foot. Every person you speak to. Every physical responsibility you have before you--you're meant to exude and seep with the beautiful aroma of Christ!
And NOW is the time. It is the time to discover the ever-present hand of a good and sovereign God and how He is closer than we could ever imagine. He is near! And it is time for us to recognize this truth and to walk in a deeper reality of that truth.
As you lean into the love of the Father, may you be overwhelmed by his unfailing love and grace and expectant that He's near and he will show up and show off!
Praying with each of you...
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