Our natural inclination is to be so precise--trying always to forecast accurately what will happen next--that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing...the nature of the spiritual life is that we are uncertain in our uncertainty...We cannot presume to see ourselves in any circumstance in which we have never been...To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring...We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God...The spiritual life is the life of a child...Jesus said, '...believe also in Me' (John 14:1), not 'Believe certain things about me.' Leave everything to Him and it will be gloriously and graciously uncertain how He will come in--but you can be certain that He will come. Remain faithful to Him.
-Oswald Chambers
I have a confession to make.
Over the past couple of weeks, I've leaned on my own understanding. During 1 of the few weeks, I actually heard the voice of the Lord speak and I disobeyed. I actually did exactly what he told me not to do. Now, no one else knows that this was the course that took place, but I know. The Lord had spoken to me about holding back--about waiting. Because you see--he knows the hearts of all his children. He knows the heart of every human being. He knows.
And when I turned and thought that I knew best and acted against what he spoke (because uncertainty was uncomfortable for me), I sabotaged the relationship. Jesus was trying to protect me. He was giving me wisdom and I gripped onto foolishness. My heart was bruised in the process. Jesus was wanting to save me from this, but like all of us can relate to--I rebelled.
This situation took my heart and mind back to a memory of when I was a child. I had been cooking on the stove with my mom and dad. I'm not sure what we were cooking, but I was excited to be involved--to be included. I was excited to help. Now, when we had finished, my mom turned off the stove. But she instructed me not to touch the burners because they were hot and still cooling. I knew that she was right, but I still wanted to see for myself. So, I touched the burner. I didn't just touch it lightly. I placed my entire hand on top of the stove. Now, you can imagine that I immediately pulled my hand back and that screaming ensued. Tears began to flow and I knew of my rebellion the moment my hand touched the stove. No--strike that. I knew of it as soon as I determined in my heart to go against what my mother had instructed me.
Being the gracious parents that they were, my stepfather came rushing in and immediately ran my hand over cold water. The burn was pretty intense. My parents called my pediatrician and he made a house visit. Looking back, I can see the relentless love that my parents had for me--even in my disobedience. They didn't scold me. They just loved me and sought to bring healing. They demonstrated love in its purest form.
My hand was wrapped in a healing ointment and the gentle touch dried my tears.
Just as the scars of my disobedience were graciously healed and restored, Jesus has been speaking to me that this is what he desires in relationships. He desires my hurt heart to be healed. He is concerned about it all. And if I will listen and obey, I will see how he is moving. He hasn't called me to bitterness or anger or judgement or distrust or to lean on my own understanding, but he has called me to love. He has called me to healing and to forgiveness. He has called me to trust.
So, I am uncertain of what will happen next. I am uncertain about this relationship--this friendship and if forgiveness is at the end of it. But it is my prayer--my heartbeat that there is healing. Because this is what we were called to. It's what Jesus died for.
So, my certainty rests in Him.
May your certainty rest in Jesus alone. May you live a life abandoned to LOVE--quick to forgive, reconcile, and to heal.
Christ died for the hearts of people and so we must die to our own rights and forgive--because we have been forgiven much!