Abandoned. Bloom. Process. Learning. Confrontation.
This week, I was watching my 2 kiddos that I nanny. As we sat outside and started to bask in the delightful weather and change of season, I noticed a mother swallow and her newly born chicks. They were in a nest tucked in the crevice and shelter of the family's home. The nest was safe and secure and away from harm's way. As I stood in amazement of the creation around me, a revelation came to my heart and it sums up this week:
Don't be afraid to live a life of abandonment. Bloom where you are planted. Relationships are a process. I am forever learning. And there are days of confrontation and delight ahead.
As the mother swallow covers her chicks and displays a love abandoned to them selflessly, so I am called to live a life giving completely and fully to those around me. Meanwhile, like the chicks in the nest, I am called to bloom right where I am. And I am to remember, like the chicks and the mother swallow, that life is a process. I won't always be where I am. I am called to continually evolve. I am learning--discovering and growing. And in the midst of this learning, there is confrontation. There have been conversations this week that I didn't want to have. There have been discussions. There have been discoveries and sometimes poor decisions. I've too often leaned on my own understanding.
But how thankful I am for the unending grace found in Jesus. Just like the mother swallow covers her chicks in her love, so I am covered as well.
Forever learning.
Until next week...
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