Saturday, October 20, 2012

Peace for the Heart

…Seek peace and pursue it. –Psalm 34:14

Rest is a gift that proceeds from peace. Peace—in the truest sense of the word, is like a deep running water of life overflowing the soul—providing nourishment and long-lasting strength.

Lately, I have been discovering that peace is one of the first things that the enemy and the world tries to rob from us.  Oftentimes, this occurs subtly and we are unable to realize it until we are on our last leg.  It’s easy to become distracted with tasks, work, responsibilities, relationships, etc. All of these things are wonderful and we’re not meant to confuse apathy with rest, but we are called to recognize the difference.

Peace is a fruit that comes forth from abiding in its source. When you feel anxious or distressed or worn, you are called to “take Christ’s yoke upon you” (Matthew 11:28). We each are called to tend to our relationship with Christ because he will help guard and protect our peace—and ultimately our rest. He is our strength and strong tower. In his cleft we find rest for our souls.

As in this picture, our hearts are to remain ever-flowing. Our peace should never become stagnant or dry. If it does, there will be unrest. There will be weariness and distress and worry. Let your heart be filled with the overflowing today. Take time to truly seek peace. Ask for it. Ask for a new revelation of it. And learn to dwell in the center of peace.