Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A person and a place of Rest.

All the stages of my life were spread out before you. The days of my life were all prepared before I’d even lived one day.  -Psalm 139:14b

This week, in honor of Mother's Day, I'm going to introduce you to one of my most favorite people in the world: my mother. I'm also going to introduce you to my favorite place in the world: Woodfork--a cabin in the Georgia mountains that I've been visiting since I was a child. This quaint and overwhelmingly simple and "hidden" house in the mountains, has been in my family for over 3 generations. It's a place where thousands of memories have been made. Both my mother and this precious cabin have something very important in common: They both bring peace and safety to all who encounter them. There is an immediate awareness of the Holy Spirit.

Now, I believe that there are many children who love their mothers and are abundantly blessed, but I truly believe that I have one of the most amazing treasures in my mother. From the beginning, she revealed to me the love of Jesus in a practical and tangible way. She taught me about the power of prayer through her daily example--even before I was born. So, today and this week, I give you Marian Foster--a woman in love with Jesus Christ who is actively pouring out love wherever she goes. She is a woman of faith--believing in the things of God and those that are unseen to man, but seen to God. She is one of my heros of the faith and I honor her.

It only seems right that I also share with you my favorite place: Woodfork. For you see, it is also one of my mother's favorite places as well. Though small and humble in structure, it is a house built on love. Upon arriving to this place tucked in the fork of the woods of northern Georgia, my heart is immediately at peace. I have had many prayer retreats and respites at this place that's very dear to my heart.

So, my hats go off to these 2: Mama and Woodfork. Go and encourage those people who are a blessing to you. It will mean more to them than you know--promise!

Friday, May 3, 2013


 And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise.
-Hebrews 6:15

In life we do a lot of waiting. We wait in line at the grocery store. We wait for our gas to finish pumping. We wait for our plane to board. We wait for seasons to change. We wait for a job opportunity. We wait. Sometimes we wait patiently. And sometimes not so patiently. 

Today, I came across a familiar Scripture, but the end of the verse popped out unexpectedly: having patiently waited. I think that sometimes we put a time limit on waiting. I know that I do. But it says that Abraham didn't receive until he had patiently waited. 

This is always a less than easy task. To wait is one thing, but then to add patience--long-suffering to it. Sometimes, I find my heart saying: To obtain, to get, to receive the promise--I have to be long-suffering as I wait? Really, God? Is this what love looks like? And then I hear this beautiful and sweet familiar voice: Yes. It is beloved. Very few wait and even fewer gain the revelation of what it is to patiently wait. Abraham learned this truth. You asked for this truth to be part of you years ago and so--I'm honoring that. Patiently wait with expectance...and the promise will be obtained.

With each passing scenario of today, I was able to see God move as I waited. And it was for "day-to-day things" and in the everyday"ness" that he moved--as he loved to do. From a rearrangement in a friend's travel plans, to the arrival of a once delayed team member's passport, to the steadfast waiting of a friend's career direction, to airline fares "opening up" for a mission team, to a reminder through an animated mouse that if we keep seeking and believe and are patient in the wait...the promise WILL BE obtained.

And so, I leave you with this: If your heart has left you with uncertainty from time to time and you're tired of being patient or of waiting, remember that an obtained promise of value comes through patiently waiting: diligently persevering to be readily expectant.

Come daily. Come minute by minute to the feet of Jesus expectant and pressing into His heart--trusting in his timing and his ways. As He continues to birth this truth in you--you'll see your heart changed and his word proven true...a promise obtained--Himself.