Monday, February 24, 2014

52 Lists: Week 7

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. 
-E.E. Cummings

Week 7.

Each week sends me diving more deeply into this story of mine--a depiction that subsumes 2014 and lessons learned. Like a child on a treasure hunt, exploring the hidden places in a cave, so am I forever unearthing the places in my heart and mind. This is a year unlike any other. I know it deep within my heart. And though each year is unique and precious unto itself, 2014 is a year of fulfillment for me. It is a year of forever turning around corners--catching glimpses of wonder, uncertainty, and exhilaration!

The words that folded together this week, wrapping themselves in the warmth within the blanket they're held, set my mind ablaze.

Promises. Transition. Loop. Ineffable. Transformed.

Promises: to give assurance, to send forth

Transition: a change from one state to another,  passage from one scene to another

Loop: to enfold, a small narrow opening

Ineffable: too great or intense to be expressed in words, inexpressible

Transformed: to change in form or appearance, to alter

This week, my heart and mind have been stirred and sifted. I have found myself being challenged to speak promises over myself. As I've allowed this vocalization of truth to resonate in my soul, I am reminded how truth brings full assurance and it sends itself forth until what's been spoken has been accomplished.

Oftentimes, it is in these moments of promise that I've depicted the transition that is on the rise. In all honesty, this change in my heart and mind has already begun. The old has passed and the new season is coming. Relationships, friendships, dreams, vision, home--it is shifting. But a new thing is springing up from the ground and it is a beautiful thing!

Like a vine that loops itself around and around, so my thoughts have wrapped around and around my heart. Some have been detrimental. Some have been self-destructive. Many speak life and truth into the inner core of my heart. But the black coils that have been determined to deceive, have failed. They have been seen and their loop has been cut to the root. In their place, my mind is being renewed and there is truth.

And this truth has brought about an ineffable amount of joy and peace and delight. The truth is too precious to put into words. In fact, it can't be. The closest it brings to a description is this: Like a diver who dives without gear, but is able to breathe and see the vivid colors of blue, green, pink--the essence of the sea, there is an unexpected discovery at every turn. And the heart is enveloped in complete happiness--joy!

So much in fact, that what I believe is happening in my mind is a complete transformation. There has been an alteration. And I'm beginning to see as LOVE sees. I'm beginning to LOVE with all of mind. Eight years ago my heart was awakened. This year, my mind is being revived. It is alive and I am in complete awe!

Eight is the number of new beginnings. That is exactly what this year is--a new beginning. So, as I move forward into week eight of this journey found in "52 Lists," I welcome the continued awakening of my mind, heart, and spirit. I welcome a season of new beginnings and for the transitional and ineffable promises to loop and transform my life!

May you do the same.

Keep digging deeper.



Thursday, February 20, 2014

Walk on the Word

All the promises of God find their yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter out Amen to God for his glory. -I Corinthians 1:20

A few days ago, I was honored to hear a familiar message/word spoken. And yet, there was an explosion in my soul and a revelation that jumped into my heart. The eyes of my heart were awakened again.  So, I think it's my responsibility to share it with you as well:

Peter didn't walk on water. He walked on the word of Jesus.

I know. Mind-blowing and it definitely messes with the religious part in you. But Peter followed the voice of Jesus because of relationship. He stepped out of the boat into the storm because he heard Jesus say "Come." He trusted the voice that was calling him. He wasn't concerned with his circumstances--only Jesus.

And this is how I am called to live. It's how you are called to live. In complete freedom--looking to Jesus alone. When sickness hits or depression or finances failure or relationship breakdown enters our lives (because it will), where do we fix our eyes? On the situation? On the circumstance? On how we can fix it? On our own strength? On the strength of others?

Or--do we look to Jesus?

The wonderful thing about being a believer in Jesus is that he is the answer for every situation. And when we turn to him--fully surrendering everything else and stand on him and who he says he is, we find ourselves changed and our circumstances changed. His word--what he proclaims--answers every situation:

Sickness: He is the Healer.

Depression: In Him, there is fullness of JOY!  (Psalm 16:11)

Finance Difficulty: He is the Supplier. He feeds the birds of the air. How much more will he take care of you? (Matthew 6:26) He will supply EVERY need according to the riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

Relationship Breakdown: He is the Restorer. He restores your life. (Psalm 23:3)

The point is this: You are created not just to walk in knowing about Jesus, but you are called to know him and thus, know who you are in him. You have a great and mighty calling on your life!

You are called to speak into your life--your surroundings and circumstances and speak them into alignment of the Kingdom of God! You have authority.

Every promise of God find their Yes and Amen in Christ alone! It's for his glory!!!

I encourage you to "take on" this truth. Test it for yourself. And don't stop when you don't see change right away. We're called to expect (coming from the word HOPE) because this is a certainty in Jesus.

Now, go! Change the world around you! Bring blessing and peace to all that is around you!

The reality of God's Word trumps your circumstance.

In Jesus,


Monday, February 17, 2014

52 Lists: Week 6

Love begins and ends with God.

This is an unending expectant hope that allows me to trust and reap all that is promised--supplying complete euphoria.

This week had a resounding message of expectancy. It's interesting because when I strip this word down, I find that like the shells on the ocean floor, this word is a treasure. It means HOPE. This is a word that's been echoing in my soul for the past year. It always seems like a great idea, but my mind continually tries to sabotage the notion--determined to smash or crush hope. Experiences and people have shaped this thought in my mind and thus, it has formed into a belief. But I believe that at this moment in my life, Jesus is wanting to reshape this thinking--encouraging me to HOPE and to EXPECT again.

Hope is the confidence in the possibility of fulfillment. It is stronger than a wish. It is an anchor to the soul. Love is my certainty and the fulfillment of it is my hope. My mind is being reawakened to agree with what truth says. My heart is then follows.

And as this hope takes root, I am trusting. I am resting securely because my mind and heart are joining together in unity. Even now, as I look up these words: expectancy, hope, trust--I am discovering that they are all synonyms. Is there an underlying message through this "coincidence"? I believe so.

So, as this hope takes root and allows me to trust, I am unearthing the truth that I will soon reap all that has been promised to me. I will be able to receive, to gather, and to collect the blessings.

My faith is oftentimes like dominoes. The board is set up and lined in a pattern. Each choice or belief affects the next step. This overtakes me (for the good or bad). This is why truth must be at the center of my thinking. Because if truth is in the center, I will be able to live in a deeper freedom than I thought was possible. I will be able to receive and walk in the promises over my life. But it all starts with a choice.

This choice of being expectant, hopeful, trusting completely--ready to reap all that is promised, will lead to complete euphoria. This is an intense amount of overflowing happiness! Such a gift and blessing!

So, as this journey of 52 Lists continues, will you join me in believing for the fulfillment of Promises hoped for this week/month/year? Believing great things!

  • Financial breakthrough
  • Steady salaried job fulfillment
  • Meeting and being pursued by my future husband
  • Favor over Heartfelt Words (my stationery line)
May you know how precious you are and that Jesus loves you more than you could ever imagine! He desires to bring you to your Promised Land this year. Allow him to do what you thought was impossible!! Nothing is impossible with him!


Monday, February 10, 2014

52 Lists: Week 5

This winding road of discovering my voice through words and lists continues this week. I am about to venture into week 6, but before I do, let me recap what was revealed to me during week 5. Like a floodgate, these 5 words summed up the week in its entirety. I am like an ever-curious child--digging deep in the ground and discovering treasures found in the earth. I'm amazed and look forward to all that evolves...

Home. Receive. Ask. Center. Steady.

I recently celebrated my 2 year anniversary of being a "Nashvillian." And I must admit that with each passing year, my heart feels more and more at home. Home is a place where my heart and affections lie. It is defined as a dwelling where affections are centered. This week, my heart slammed into this realization--exploding my mind and heart with the truth that home wasn't just contained in 4 walls, but in the community of hearts that surround my life. Home is a place where my heart is free and content. This is what Nashville has become to me.

And my heart couldn't be more delighted as I continue to dive deep into receiving all that it has to offer. Like a child on her birthday, I have been unveiling the corners of what it means to receive. Like a star in the night sky that streams by, I am catching goodness and believing for it to come my way. There are so many wonderful daily gifts. There isn't a way for me to comprehend them all, but they are there just the same. So, my heart is opening up to receive all the love that it can contain. And I'm learning once again, that it's alright for me to ask for blessings over my life.

So--I've been searching and inquiring with an intense belief of each request being answered. My heart is like a fire that has been lit on a dark winter's night--bringing warmth and light and safety to all my surroundings. I haven't always been a scholar of asking things for myself, but I'm learning that the asking is the flint that delivers the spark of faith that creates the fire to receive the blessings. So asking is imperative. It is the key to beginnings. And this week has been one of continued beginnings in the center.

I have seen that it's in the center where the heart is. If I try to live from any place other than the center, then I'm missing the mark. There is a centered love that is much deeper than I can understand or wrap my mind around. It is the beat to my heart and keeps me steady.

This steadiness is found secure as I continue to search out the dreams that have been placed on my heart for 2014. My roots are going deep in love, faith, and relationships. As the roots go deeper into their foundation, I find myself at home and ready to receive through my asking. My heart is centered and steady and ready to capture all that life holds.

May you be captured by life this week!

Until Week 6...


Friday, February 7, 2014

BRAVE: Advice to 20somethings from a 30something

Welcome back to the third and final chapter of our series on BRAVE: Advice to 20somethings from a 30something! I have been honored and privileged to share with you a bit of hindsight from my twenties. Now, grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and let's curl up for the final segment.

  • Enjoy the small daily things in life.
It is in these things that there are the deepest treasures. When I was in my 20s, I spent countless hours wondering and thinking about the future. Though it is important to think about the future, I personally noticed how dwelling there kept me from capturing the day. I missed the small things. Or, like so many, I noticed them, but didn't see what a treasure they were. Catch the smile of another. Breathe in the fresh winter air. Savor the delicacy of french pastries. A handwritten note from an old friend. Your daily lunch break. Enjoy the small daily things. 
  • Create more.
This is something that is being currently reawakened in my life, but I can't seem to stress the importance of it enough. Be disciplined in your "creating times." Filtrate it into the crevices of your life. Knit. Draw. Paint. Write. Sing. Sew. Dance. Craft. Build. It's up to you, but make it a necessity in your life. Just as your heart was made for relationship, so it was also made for creating. After all, you are God's creation. It's in your DNA to create. Take this time to discover it. 
  • Give away more.
This should be forever evolving in our lives, but it is a word of wisdom I wish I had heeded to in my twenties. That being said, give away your clothes, material possessions, time, money, and ultimately your life into the lives of others. Pour yourself out and you will find that you'll continually have an addiction to giving. Furthermore, give away something that is important to you. After all, that is true sacrifice--and it's beautiful. 
  • Try new things.
This is one thing that I did get "right" in my twenties, but it is still a challenge I propose to myself. Always be willing to try new things. New foods, cultures, etc. Take chances to truly experience all that is before you. Go on a hot air balloon. Skydive. Travel to Thailand. Golf. Get a tattoo. Karaoke. The list goes on. As your mother once told you when you were young--not wanting to try the unfamiliar item on your plate: Just try it. You never know, you might like it. The same goes for everything in life. Now this being said, don't do something illegal. They are illegal for a reason. But get out of your comfort zone and embrace life!
  • Expect the unexpected. Take it as a gift. 
Finally, the last piece of wisdom that I impart to you is this: Expect the unexpected. Treasure the unexpected as a gift (because that is what it is). There will be things in life that blindside you. Someone you love dies unexpectedly. You lose your job. You're given a promotion. The person you gave your heart to suddenly rejects it. The last person you expected to fall in love with captures your heart. You find out you're pregnant. You are in a car wreck. You lose your baby. You are left an inheritance. Your house sells. You move across the ocean. Life is full of the unexpected. So, shouldn't we expect it? Be ready for change. That way, even when it smacks you across the face, you won't be knocked out. It's all about perspective. Take the unexpected as a gift--whether it's good or bad news. Take it as an opportunity to embrace life! 

And after all, isn't that what life is? It's a gift. Whether you are 20 or 80, each moment is a gift. We are forever learning. Breaking and piercing through life, we have a decision. Are we going to learn and grow or are we going to remain complacent--forever the same? Today, I choose to learn. I choose to keep growing--right where I am. May you do the same!

Carpe Diem! 

It's been a pleasure sharing life with you.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Words from the Heart: Week 4/52 Lists

As I awoke this morning to the gray colored sky dripping with the heart of yesterday, my soul awakened to reflection. I began to think about last week and the words that summed up my feelings.

As you might know, I've been writing a weekly blog entry inspired by a project I'm completing for 2014--"52 Lists". This is 52 weeks of lists compiling words that have touched my soul during the week. It's propelled me into the weekly (sometimes daily) practice of pouring out my thoughts to an empty and unknown void of readers. It's been a journey thus far and I've only reached week 4! So, without further ado, here are the words that culminated this week:

Simple. Gentle. Freedom. Anchored. New.

Beautiful is found in the simple.

This phrase jumped into my heart this past Saturday. And like a child who runs and tackles their parents with hugs and kisses, so my heart was taken by surprise with this phrase: Beautiful is found in the simple. Throughout the week, I caught myself in the simple. Each moment was unique: unexpected connections/lunches with newfound and old friends, jumping on a trampoline as the sun kissed my forehead, singing Jessies Girl at the top of my lungs like a 13-year old school girl, running across the unexpected favorite movies from my teenage years--The Breakfast Club & Dirty Dancing, being graced with spontaneous hikes, a door opening ever so slightly on a closed relationship, and the list continues....

Simple. A small word and often overlooked, but profound just the same. Beauty is found in the midst of it. It's in the small simplistic moments that I get to take in a deep drink of life!

Many times it comes in the most unexpected and gentle ways. A kind word is spoken. An act of kindness percolates and latches onto my heart--subsiding like the ocean's water--briefly anchoring itself to the salty blankets of my soul. And this anchor is steadfast and true--reminding me always to root my mind and heart in truth. I am kept safe, secure, and focused as I look to the One who is my anchor.

This can oftentimes be a challenge, as the waves of my ever-stirring heart and mind, tempt me to look at the vast waves. But all things are made new and just as sure as there is constancy, there is forever newness. The sun rises daily, but each day it greets us with new colors, glows, and varying degrees of warmth. But regardless, it is. Light remains.

And what I've been observing this week, is that this beautiful and wonderful LIGHT is bringing freedom into my life and the lives of others. It comes with a decision to make a resounding "yes" in the heart of the responder.

This simple truth remains: With the ever-gentle and present touch from the One, I have found my heart anchored, new, and full of freedom. And my belief for this truth to seize your own life is fastened tight and rooted deep.

Therefore, keep digging into the crevices of life and watch the light peak through the shadows.

Blessings to you and until next week...
