Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Peace: Shalom in the Ordinary

Peace. A beautiful word and a great thought. But if you're anything like me, sometimes, you find yourself looking around the corner, in conversations, etc. for it. The blessing of a Christian is that when we don't have peace, we know that the Presence of Jesus isn't on the situation. We have to continually be conscious and aware--inviting the Lord to be among us and in each situation--listening to His voice. And Christmas (though about Jesus and the arrival of a Savior), oftentimes is a season where our peace is stolen. We get wrapped up in busyness or in ourselves. But God has called us to a HIGHER place: Himself.

And this peace isn't found just in church or in a designated time of prayer. It is found in the place of worship that is peering through the ordinary. For instance, last night, I wasn't expecting to encounter peace, but I did. I sat down for a minute to catch up on some emails--only to find in the quiet and darkness my heart whisper out "thank you". Instantly, the Presence of Jesus came. Peace came. And it was in the midst of emails and work! Such a gift!

May we find peace in the ordinary. May we allow him to have his way in our hearts this season and always. Take the time to sit and be still and to truly know that he is God. Invite him into your day-to-day routine. Thank him in the good and challenging times. He's always working on our behalf. Let him transform your heart and mind.

When my heart and mind are focused on Jesus, there is always peace. May he overwhelm your heart with his peace this day!

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Satisfaction. It's easy (and often tempting) to try to find our satisfaction in various things/people. But Jesus calls us to himself. And trust me--oftentimes, this is the last place that I want to go. Food, television, people, Facebook, etc., seem to be easier. So what do you do when you avoid "quiet time" and prayers like the plague?

I know that there are numerous opinions on this one, but mine is simple (and from current experience): When you can, breathe. Say one word (if there is one). And if you can, read TRUTH--found in Scripture alone. Don't be afraid or ashamed of where you are. If all you can cry out is "Help," then cry it out. If it's a sigh, then go there as well. But whatever it is, be real.

And let TRUTH sink deep inside to every fiber of your being. No matter what, cling to this:

You make all things beautiful. Hallelujah! Trials and testing prove there's gold. Hallelujah! You turn morning into JOY. You satisfy my soul with Your love!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kellie: Haiti


Meet Kellie. She may look like an average woman, but she is anything but this. Let me take you into her heart today. She breathes in Jesus and out his mercy and love. Her heart was touched by the people and the children of Haiti. Her heart was broken for the poor (physically and in spirit). But instead of just looking with her eyes, she reached out. She truly takes on "love is an action" to another level. Though her residence is in Tennessee, her home away from home is Haiti. It is with the children in the mountains. It is with those who are deaf and blind and forgotten. She has chosen to see with the eyes of love, though. She started a ministry called Grace So Amazing. This isn't only an orphanage, but a school, a home, a place of refuge for "the forgotten" of Haiti.

Her challenge is for us to see as Jesus wants us to see--with compassion, justice, and love. By her example, my heart is challenged to love to greater depths--extravagantly. Though I've only been to Haiti twice, my heart was captured. I was stirred to challenge others to pray, give, and go--expecting Jesus to break their hearts and to give them vision for their purpose and call for the children of Haiti. Kellie is doing this daily and I want to exhort you to pray for her, the staff, ministry teams, and the children. She is no ordinary woman. She is a woman of faith and of action. She is a hero--captured by LOVE.



Have you ever been surprised by a place that you've visited or traveled to? Have you been surprised that your heart connected and you immediately felt at home--even though it was the farthest from "familiar" than you had ever experienced? This is what India did to me. It surprised me. Or I should say--God surprised me.

Eight years ago, I traveled to India for the first time. I must admit that I went out of shear obedience. I had never liked Indian food, the smells, or even the colors. I never had a burning desire to visit. The opposite was true. I desired to go anywhere other than there. But I love how Jesus has a beautiful sense of humor. Praise be to him that he called me to go to the hills of the Himalayan mountains and to work with the people of Darjeeling and its surrounding areas. Upon every turn, I found myself out of my comfort zone: the food, the lack of indoor plumbing, the smells, the heat and then the cold. The list goes on and on. But the beauty and the presence of the Lord was also more prevalent than I've ever witnessed. Maybe it's because of the millions of people there. But I believe that there is a hunger deeper than what is physical. There is a need--a desire for something greater. And the people were and are reaching. And I witnessed God respond to hunger with his rich presence. He is always present, but our hunger gravitates his heart. It is from our need that he pulls in closer.

A year later after my first 6 week "visit" to India, God called me back (kicking, screaming, and pouting). But I returned again. And this time--I was overwhelmed with a gentle and beautiful surprise: I fell in love with India. God gave me his heart for this nation. I wanted nothing more than to continue to partner with Jesus in this country. But this love came out of a very difficult and challenging trip. I took 7 individuals with me (many whom had never been out of the country before) and we encountered sickness, death, poverty, and injustice together. But we also brought with us the love and light of Jesus--pouring again and again and again--always asking Papa God for more of Himself!!! And boy--did he show up--touching people and doing what he does best--BE GOD!! I returned to Australia, my home at the time, forever changed--again! My heart longed to return right away.

But little did I know that it would be another 5 years before he would grant that desire. This past year, I returned to India--to a new part of the country--Vizag and Ongole in southern India. Once again, my heart came ALIVE. In the garbage dump, in the shacks/shantys, in the most difficult and challenging parts--my heart continued to overflow with JOY! I heard my Papa God say to me: I'm giving you my heart, beloved. This is just a small percentage of how I feel about my kids. 

I don't know when I'll return to India again, but I know that when the time comes, God is going to impart his continual goodness into the lives of others! I know that he'll keep healing. I know that he'll keep pouring out his love and doing above and beyond all we could think, ask, or imagine. The question is: Are you willing? Are you willing to take part (whatever way that looks like)? Are you willing to get uncomfortable and to love with all of who you are? Are you willing for God to do the impossible in and around and through you?

The choice is yours. But if God is calling you to India, I promise you that your life will never be the same.

About Me

This is me--a girl born and raised in the deep south of America with the values of faith, family, work ethic, etiquette, and decorum to mount. I love tradition. Not only my own, but others as well. I am also extremely fond of hand-written notes, monogrammed towels, and a fine glass of wine.

As an avid traveler and coordinator, I have experienced personally how language barriers fall when music and visual art are present. Travel awakens the soul and causes me to be uncomfortable and at home all at once. There's nothing like it. And so, you could say--I have the gift of "wanderlust"--forever out to discover a new place, culture, art, or food.

I am a 30-something gal with a mission to continually be spilling over love and passion--encouraging others to live a life of no regrets--a life bigger than themselves!

Contact me for travel, travel/wine, and/or life advice. Or--to just make a new friend! I'm always excited about encountering and meeting new people!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pressed Down: Running Over: Thankfulness

...good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over... -Luke 6:38

Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing. -Jarod Kintz

Simple things. The smell of coffee. The unsung melody of nature as the sun bids us good morning. Toothpaste and toothbrushes. A sunset multiplied with splashes of vibrant colors radiating the earth from top to bottom. A hug. A smile. Laughter.

Today, the day was filled with the drips of the dew in the day. It was a day tempting me to roll back over to sleep or to snuggle up with a book or classic movie. But as I moved through the day--responding to emails, lighting my fall candle, and drinking the all-too favorite pumpkin-spice latte, I was reminded of the simple things. Every moment is truly a gift and I'm seeing this more and more. I know that I'm still looking through the glass dimly, but amongst the hum drum beats of my days, I've been blessed at seeing things with new eyes. A fresh perspective. Just as the rain washes away the mess of the earth, thankfulness opens up a fresh canvas for our hearts.

And today the rain reminded me of life's special gifts. Rain is my favorite smell. Fall is my all-time cherished season. And coffee--the smell overtakes the crevices of my senses. And lastly--laughter is truly the sound of a soul dancing. Maybe this is why children's laughter is even more captivating. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over...

Isn't it amazing how the "simple things" are just that--simple? And yet, compiled and recognized, they piece together a beautiful weaving of our memories. Smells. Sounds. Senses. Simple.

All together, when given to another, is brining good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and
running over...

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Word to All 20somethings

You are unique. You are brilliant. You are inventive. You are driven. You are creative. You are marked and unlike any other generation before you. But in addition to this, I've noticed something about 20somethings. Some are in their thirties or forties. But it's mostly the 20somethings. Commitment is fleeting. Sticking in through the good, the bad, the everything is challenging for you. Thank you notes are becoming a figment of our imagination and a thing of the past. For some of you, it's non-existent. Hospitality has flown out of the window--bringing a gift when coming over to stay at someone's home. Honor has somehow left us. It's not being implemented somewhere. Or, where it is, it's not being followed-though. Following up with an individual the day after they took time out of their day for you, is becoming a thing of the past. What's disheartening is that it isn't even a thought.

Now, I don't want you to get down in the dumps. But I do want to encourage and challenge you. Let your yes be yes. Follow through--even if it wasn't the correct decision. You gave your word. Follow through. Learn and then you'll know how to budget your time once you've overbooked. Go the extra mile. Not because there is something in store for you, but because it's the correct thing to do. Honor your father and mother--no matter what. Even if they don't honor you--honor them. Things will go well with you, if you do. Honor the elderly and those who supply you with their wisdom. Pay back your debts before you continue spending. Let your yes be YES! Write the thank you letter. Not an email--a true letter. Take the time to put a stamp on it and put it in the post box. Remember the little things because they aren't just little things to the one you're sending it to.

And don't forget: You are unique. You are brilliant. You are inventive. You are driven. You are creative. You are marked. But it's all for a purpose. Don't let your strengths keep you from remembering your weaknesses. Trust me. I've been here. We all have. But make the effort this week. I promise--you won't be disappointed.

Monday, September 30, 2013

12 Years = Complete

The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be. 
-Oprah Winfrey

Each day I find that I'm given an opportunity. An opportunity of how I'll respond, what my attitude will be, and so on. I can choose to make a negative or positive impact. If you're anything like me, there are days where you wake up "off" and the smallest detail can send you into a place of frustration. But frustration is just a sign of discontentment. It's really a sign of the heart. And there is a scheme to try and change our focus from the blessings to what we think we don't have. Trust me. I've been here. And sometimes frustration can be built up over time and cause an awareness. It can bless us with the opportunity to step back and take a look--a look at the situation, the people surrounding us, the blessings we have, etc. But the turning point is what we do with it: Will we refuse to be discontent a second longer or will we wallow--remaining in the place of discontentment? The choice is ours.

Today, I regret to inform you, I wallowed. I refused for a bit, but then I wallowed. Yep--like a little school girl. But thank heavens for grace, because my eyes are opened just in writing this. Those frustrations, those difficulties, those things I thought were meant to drag me completely down didn't. 

And then a personal promise came to me: Your 12 years are complete.

Now, I know that this means nothing to you. But it immediately spoke to my current situation. The key is this: This thought/word came to me when I took a moment to rest somewhere other than in my discontentment. As Oprah says in the quotation above, "to be alive is to evolve." It's a process. So, I raise a toast to you (wallowing or taking a look through the glass past your frustration) and say: It's a new day! Your 12 years are up! Move forward! Seize the day! Kick fear to the curb! 

So, for the rest of this day (evening) and into tomorrow, I choose to rest in peace. I choose to believe that I am taken care of and that 12 years = complete. May you do the same, sweet reader! Remember: all dreamers faced frustration and wallowing moments. They faced a trial so much larger than themselves--sometimes lasting years. But the overcomers stopped and looked around and chose to embrace life! May you do the same.

Carpe Diem!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Beauty is in the Eye of One Beholder

Today started like any other day. The morning began with a gentle whisper followed by a cup of coffee. Each day, we have a decision. We can choose who and what we listen to. As a woman, we are relational and we're called to radiate beauty. But there are many voices telling us what and who is beautiful. Oftentimes, we are told that our look doesn't measure up or that there is something defective. But what others and the world forget, is that it is in the imperfection that true beauty is found. It is that scar that you have because of a time your burnt your hand pulling pizza out of the oven. Beauty is found in the places of imperfection that proclaim your life story. And true beauty is found only in the eye of the Beholder--the one who made you and fashioned you and called you to this earth. He sees you and calls you by name. And what he says is...beautiful.

So, the next time you're wondering if you truly are beautiful, don't wonder. Just believe--you are! This video came across my path and it encouraged my heart to embrace my thunder thighs and bubble butt and the few white hairs that keep returning (no matter how often I highlight them). And so, I want you to embrace who you are--on the outside and on the inside. Because when Jesus looks at you, he calls you beautiful! And when proclaim that through your belief, you can't help but exude beauty to the world! Let's embrace and celebrate today that we are women--called to radiate beauty!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Opening Up the Doors

To be alive is to be vulnerable... -Madeleine L'Engle

Let's face it. None of us really like to hear this. Trust me--I know. It takes courage to be vulnerable. It's like you're laying yourself out naked for the entire world to see. But I think that if we don't take the chance to be vulnerable, then we can miss out on loving to the capacity that we were intended for. Life isn't a neat clean room and box. It gets messy and uncomfortable. Relationships are this way--all relationships--even your relationship with God. But it's worth it, because as it gets messy, it becomes beautiful.

Recently, I've made the decision to open myself up to guys, to be more vulnerable, and to let others into my heart. And you know what? There has been a dramatic shift. As I've said yes to dates and possible relationships, I've learned more about myself.

As a Christian woman, many of us are told at a young age (sometimes even subconsciously), that dating isn't a good idea--that we should only wait around for our future husband. While I do believe that we need to guard our hearts, I think that there is a new level of freedom found by saying yes to a date. But your yes should be on the contingency that he's a Christian--walking daily with the Lord. This doesn't mean that he has to fit all the qualifications that you've put down on your "list." You never know--you might be delightfully surprised as you find out more about him. I will say, though, that after a few dates, you should have an inner peace. This is the peace that passes all understanding and guards your heart and mind. This is the Holy Spirit. He will provide peace if you are to move forward. If the peace hasn't come after 3-4 dates, then you probably need to respectfully decline from moving forward in the relationship romantically.

And guys--I want to apologize. We, as women, are complex. We definitely haven't made things easy for you. In fact--we've paralyzed many of you from stepping forward and asking us out on a date because of our seriousness on the matter. Yes, you do need to make sure that the gal you ask out loves Jesus. Yes, you do need to make sure that she is walking with Him daily. But with that being said, don't put her in a box or have expectations that are impossible for her to fulfill. She is human (just like you). She has flaws and imperfections. But isn't it the way that she handles those flaws that makes her all the more beautiful?

And don't be afraid to ask. What's the worst that could happen? She says: no. Oh well. She will respect you for putting your heart out there and being upfront and honest with your feelings. Don't just watch her for months on end or play the "friend" card. If you're friends, be friends in a group. If your friendship moves into more than 1 or 2 times of one-on-one time, then you need to define the relationship. If it's just a friendship, then say so, step back, and hang out in groups. If it's more than that, say so and then relentlessly pursue her. Be intentional with your decisions, but enjoy your time. The first couple of dates are where you are just beginning to know each other. They are supposed to be light-hearted. Treat them as such.

The key for both guys and gals is this: Be vulnerable while still guarding your heart. Don't stress or worry or consume yourself too much with "if you're making the right decision." Remember that the living God is inside of you. Dialogue with him about it, but don't take things too seriously. He knows exactly who he has planned for you. He's known this since the beginning of time. But he also knows the relationships/friendships that he wants to place in your life along the way--guiding you to your future spouse. Enjoy the ride and trust that His timing is perfect and that it never turns out how you planned. It turns out 100 times better when you partner with God!

By the way, I am a single 30-something. As far as relationships are concerned, I've done things my own way and then God's way. I promise you that his way is the best and he won't let you down. Great things are in store for you! Take the chance. Ask her out. Say yes. Leave it to God!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Promises:Patience:Audacious Faith

The greatest promises of God will require the most faith and patience on our part. -Rick Joyner

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31

I don't know about you, but sometimes the promises of God seem so distant that it can be tempting to question the faithfulness of Him. But then at other times, the promise is quick to be fulfilled. As I've been walking through a 12 year jaunt of my faith being tested, I have been brought back to this conclusion again and again: My God is faithful. My God is able. My God is willing and he wants to fulfill all and more that He's promised. His timing is perfect. His ways are just. He hasn't forgotten and He's a good Dad. He's a good Husband. He's a good Friend. He's the BEST! 

I'm a visual person, so during my times of prayer, the Lord has been showing me oak trees. They are firmly planted. They are secure. It takes years for them to grow--in order for their roots to be planted. This requires patience and faith. They don't become the trees they were designed to be until years of faith and patience.

Yesterday, I ran across this piece of wisdom: The greatest promises of God will require the most faith and patience on our part. Note that it doesn't say--the greatest promises require the most faith. They require faith, yes, but also patience. Faith coupled with patience brings forth the strongest trees. And though these past 12 years have been challenging, I am thankful. These years have given me a deeper revelation and understanding of what it truly means to be a woman of FAITH and PATIENCE. For the promises that Jesus longs to give, are GREAT! But GREAT things don't come easily.

So, if you are in a similar place, I want to encourage your heart. Believe in Jesus. Trust in His word. He has the final say. Rest in Him and believe that as you do so, you will soar to higher places in His heart and your strength will be renewed again and again!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. -2 Corinthians 1:20

I love this word. I love it because it is truth to the very core. Everything that is truth--that is a promise of God finds its YES in the center of His heart. Because He breathes and speaks the promise into our hearts from the beginning of time. 

Over the past couple of weeks, my heart has been stirring. I've been stirred again for a deeper revelation and intimacy with my precious Jesus. We've been walking together for some time now and we've gone all over the world together. He has spoken and healed. He has networked, connected, and continually does what man and the world says is impossible. We've wrestled together and he's been so kind to allow me to come to him with my doubts, fears, anxieties, unbelief, and darkness. In the midst of it all, he's remained forever near and forever faithful.

So, here I am today--walking with him late into the evening and caught in a place of hunger and desire for him alone. Desiring for him to fulfill his word and his promises of now going on 12 years. But more than that--my heart desires for a deeper intimacy and revelation of his heart. And so, as I continue to press in for breakthrough in his promises to me and others, I wait in confidence knowing that he who said it will surely complete it--in his perfect timing! 

Oh--my sweet Jesus--you are the anchor of my soul. You are what I long for! It is you alone who is steadfast and forever true!

*Artwork by Sarah Rowan Dahl: "It Starts With a Seed" (2012)*

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Ministry of a Mom

Over the past couple of weeks, I've had the privilege of staying with a friend of mine who is a single-mom. I think that it's pretty amazing how Jesus puts us in "out of the box" situations. Some dear friends of mine had scheduled to host a ballet dancer for 6 weeks in their home this summer. Due to difficulties of their own in purchasing a home, this caused them to have to back out of being able to supply a place of respite for their friend. Therefore, they contacted friends and I volunteered my apartment (since I thought I'd be in South Africa). But the Lord had other plans...

I ended up staying in Nashville and found myself "homeless." But not really. I ended up in my friend's house--and though it started out as a moment of "God, what are you doing," it soon became my missions field. Loving on 2 kiddos and my friend--who could use the extra hands started to change my heart. I began to see with the eyes of Jesus the beauty in the mundane. The beauty in changing diapers and reading books until you're blue in the face. It all matters. Because you're loving and pouring out love right where you are.

I have been delightfully surprised, humbled, and honored to be able to share in loving these precious kiddos. I head back to my home on Saturday evening and I must say that I am a bit sad. I've enjoyed having children around, but I believe it's all for a greater purpose through it all.

Oh--the beauty in the ministry of a mom!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Loving Well

I want to love.

Teach me to love.

How can I do this?

The truth is, I can't do this on my own, but Jesus must pour out of me. I must keep receiving from him, so that I can give more of my life away. I have to learn from him how to love. I have to practice it too--not just read about it or see others participate. And our heavenly Father is such a wonderful teacher!!! It comes from a simple act of kindness--a smile, a cup of water, serving others, etc. It comes in the form of physical touch--through a hug or a kiss. Love is revealed through spending time with another--especially when it doesn't suit your schedule. Love is revealed through prayer. It keeps being revealed to those whose eyes and ears and hearts are open to recognizing it.

So many times, I miss out on the incredible amount of love around me because I try looking inward instead of outward. I get so consumed with the affairs of my own life, that I can forget the goodness of the Lord. When my gaze is fixed to him, he then opens my eyes to those around me--to see from his perspective. And it's beautiful what he reveals--HIMSELF! He reveals LOVE!

Recently, the Lord has been humbling me again and again to reveal himself to me. He's been teaching me what love looks like. It's often messy, uncomfortable, inconvenient, and costly. But the reward is worth it! The reward is so very worth it!! The reward has been deeper intimacy with the One whom my heart loves most.

So the prayer of my heart continues to cry out: Teach me to love, Papa! Let me be a woman who loves well. Let me finish well because I've loved well. Let people see you when they look at my life. Let them see that I longed for you and you alone. Let others hunger and thirst for you--you alone! Let others live from the place of the heart. May they encounter your Holy Spirit and the awesomeness of your unfailing love! May we trust you, Papa! May we truly believe you in every circumstance of our lives! Keep our eyes fixed on you! Let us be worshippers of you alone!!! Let our lives be a reflection of your goodness. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fruit of Spirit:Kindness

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.
-Galatians 5:22

Meet my friends: Cassidy, London, and Finn. These 3 have brought so much joy into my life over the past 5+ months. In the recent months, I have had the pleasure of getting to know Cassidy and her precious children better. As I was sitting today and spending time with Jesus, I started to overflow with thankfulness at their kindness. They each have openly welcomed me into their lives and their hearts. They have shared their home and place of refuge. In essence, they have displayed kindness. Jesus speaks so profoundly through each of them and his amazing Spirit is evident in their lives.

Cassidy, as a single mother, amazes me. Her heart is for her children. Her heart is to see them rise up into worshipers and lovers of Jesus. She prays over them and displays the mother heart of Jesus as never before! My hat goes off to her and I applaud her for partnering with Jesus in her ministry as a mom. Last night, she blessed me immensely. She handed me a gift certificate to get a free massage! I was floored because little did she know--I was just talking to my mom about how I was going to have to decide between getting my hair done or getting a massage for my birthday gift. So, to say that this gift was a display of the Father's love is an understatement! Not only did he give me my hair appointment, but he blessed me with a "double portion"--a massage as well. Cassidy once again displayed the love of Jesus.

So--I cheer her on today. Not because of the blessings poured on my life, but how she pours out her love to Jesus. It is displayed through the love for her children and those around her. If you know a single parent, display kindness. Be a suppor to them and their children. Love as Jesus loves. The paradox is that you will find yourself doubly blessed! 

All for Jesus--the kindest person I've ever met!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A person and a place of Rest.

All the stages of my life were spread out before you. The days of my life were all prepared before I’d even lived one day.  -Psalm 139:14b

This week, in honor of Mother's Day, I'm going to introduce you to one of my most favorite people in the world: my mother. I'm also going to introduce you to my favorite place in the world: Woodfork--a cabin in the Georgia mountains that I've been visiting since I was a child. This quaint and overwhelmingly simple and "hidden" house in the mountains, has been in my family for over 3 generations. It's a place where thousands of memories have been made. Both my mother and this precious cabin have something very important in common: They both bring peace and safety to all who encounter them. There is an immediate awareness of the Holy Spirit.

Now, I believe that there are many children who love their mothers and are abundantly blessed, but I truly believe that I have one of the most amazing treasures in my mother. From the beginning, she revealed to me the love of Jesus in a practical and tangible way. She taught me about the power of prayer through her daily example--even before I was born. So, today and this week, I give you Marian Foster--a woman in love with Jesus Christ who is actively pouring out love wherever she goes. She is a woman of faith--believing in the things of God and those that are unseen to man, but seen to God. She is one of my heros of the faith and I honor her.

It only seems right that I also share with you my favorite place: Woodfork. For you see, it is also one of my mother's favorite places as well. Though small and humble in structure, it is a house built on love. Upon arriving to this place tucked in the fork of the woods of northern Georgia, my heart is immediately at peace. I have had many prayer retreats and respites at this place that's very dear to my heart.

So, my hats go off to these 2: Mama and Woodfork. Go and encourage those people who are a blessing to you. It will mean more to them than you know--promise!

Friday, May 3, 2013


 And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise.
-Hebrews 6:15

In life we do a lot of waiting. We wait in line at the grocery store. We wait for our gas to finish pumping. We wait for our plane to board. We wait for seasons to change. We wait for a job opportunity. We wait. Sometimes we wait patiently. And sometimes not so patiently. 

Today, I came across a familiar Scripture, but the end of the verse popped out unexpectedly: having patiently waited. I think that sometimes we put a time limit on waiting. I know that I do. But it says that Abraham didn't receive until he had patiently waited. 

This is always a less than easy task. To wait is one thing, but then to add patience--long-suffering to it. Sometimes, I find my heart saying: To obtain, to get, to receive the promise--I have to be long-suffering as I wait? Really, God? Is this what love looks like? And then I hear this beautiful and sweet familiar voice: Yes. It is beloved. Very few wait and even fewer gain the revelation of what it is to patiently wait. Abraham learned this truth. You asked for this truth to be part of you years ago and so--I'm honoring that. Patiently wait with expectance...and the promise will be obtained.

With each passing scenario of today, I was able to see God move as I waited. And it was for "day-to-day things" and in the everyday"ness" that he moved--as he loved to do. From a rearrangement in a friend's travel plans, to the arrival of a once delayed team member's passport, to the steadfast waiting of a friend's career direction, to airline fares "opening up" for a mission team, to a reminder through an animated mouse that if we keep seeking and believe and are patient in the wait...the promise WILL BE obtained.

And so, I leave you with this: If your heart has left you with uncertainty from time to time and you're tired of being patient or of waiting, remember that an obtained promise of value comes through patiently waiting: diligently persevering to be readily expectant.

Come daily. Come minute by minute to the feet of Jesus expectant and pressing into His heart--trusting in his timing and his ways. As He continues to birth this truth in you--you'll see your heart changed and his word proven true...a promise obtained--Himself.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

12 Years and Israel

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. -I Peter 5:7
This morning, I woke up and my heart was uncertain as to where the Lord was going to take me. I was uncertain about the promises that he had made to me the beginning of this year. Now that I am 4 months in, my faith is being tested because the promises aren't on the horizon. But I know this: My Jesus is not a liar. He is true to his word. He is faithful. He is the keeper of all promises--not necessarily in my timing, but always in his and in the way he wants to bring it about. But nevertheless, it is his battle. It is his word. It is his promise.
And so, as I started resting in this DEEP truth, I "stumbled" across this article. Now, for most of you, this won't make sense, but it is a precious story to me. You see, at the beginning of this year, Jesus used this story to speak HIS promise to me--directly into my heart. Like this woman, it has been 12 years of waiting and believing for a miracle. It has been 12 years of knowing my Jesus, but nevertheless--pressing into the promises of God. I am believing, like this woman in the Bible, that this 12th year marks the END of this particular season. I believe that it will mark the beginning of walking in a deeper place of the promises of Jesus!
So, this week, the person of choice is me (and to anyone else who is believing for their land of promise) and the country of choice is Israel--a land of promise. I believe that this country (though I've never been before), like myself, is a place that yearns to remain in a place of promise and intimacy. Yet, there is struggle. There is a wrestling--in the natural and in the spiritual realms. It is the land where Jesus lived, but it was also a place where he was persecuted and crucified. Like Israel, I can relate to the wrestling with God and being accepted and yet persecuted for what I believe in and stand for.
My encouragement to you is to go HARD after the things of the Lord. If you don't know Jesus, I challenge you to challenge Him to reveal Himself to you. Pray with all diligence and belief that the Lord Almighty Jesus is ABLE. Trust in HIS timing and believe that His ways are so much higher than your ways.
Be completely and overwhelmingly blessed!!!
Jesus and the Hemorrhaging Woman
She was so, so tired. Twelve years of bleeding and the resulting anemia had left her weak and barely able to function. Her search for a cure had resulted in nothing but disappointment. Doctor after doctor attempted to staunch the life-ebbing flow. She was sick to death of their ineffective potions and cures. Their bumbling, clumsy attentions had only seemed to make matters worse. Yet while their ministrations were ineffective, they had not been ashamed to charge their exorbitant fees. She was out of resources and out of hope.
Until this morning. Word had spread quickly through the town that the man who had healed people with leprosy and people unable to walk, and even unbelievably raised a young man from the dead, was returning to town. Jesus was coming! With desperate hope once again cautiously blooming in her heart, the woman joined the many by the docks awaiting his arrival. The crowd may have prevented her from seeing his boat, but she knew he had arrived by the sound of the crowd.
Voices called out as Jesus approached. Heart thumping, she waited silently for a chance to ask for his help. The crowd pressed in, desperate for a chance just to be near him. The sound of pleading voices swelled as the Master neared. Maybe if she could just touch a piece of his clothing. If she could just get close enough...
At that moment, the crowd parted as Jairus, a well-known synagogue official, pushed his way through to Jesus. He fell at his feet with a desperate request of his own. His beautiful, precious daughter was dying. She was only twelve years old. Wouldn’t Jesus come to his house and heal her before it was too late? 
The woman’s breath caught in her throat. For as long as she had been bleeding, this little girl had been alive. Twelve years. The entire time she had slowly felt the life flow from her body, this little girl had been thriving and growing under the loving hand of this dedicated father. Now both the thriving and the waning were in the same desperate need of healing.
Jesus agreed to follow Jairus to his house. He began to walk again, moving right past where she stood. Knowing her window of opportunity was quickly closing, she pressed herself into the throng that surrounded the Master. Thrusting her arm out, she managed to touch one of the four corner fringes of his square prayer shawl resting on his shoulders.
In that moment, the unbelievable happened. Power surged through her body. Strength she hadn’t known in twelve years suddenly filled her. The flow of blood, a dozen years long, just stopped cold. She was cured! As the crowd continued past her, she stood frozen in shock at what happened. Were her pain and suffering really over? After twelve long, painful years, had the affliction that had ostracized her from family and friends simply ceased to be?
Suddenly Jesus stopped. He turned and faced the crowd. “Who is the one who touched me?” he asked.
The disciples were amazed that he would ask such a question. He was surrounded by a host of people pressing up against him. How could he ask who touched him? A better question to ask was who didn’t touch him!
Yet Jesus stood still, scanning the crowd. Heart in her throat, wishing she could sink into the ground, the woman remained rooted in her spot. She watched his eyes move over the people until they came to rest on her. And stopped. She began to tremble. Was he angry that she had just contaminated him with her touch? Expecting her to publicly confess what she had just done? As his eyes held hers, she felt compelled forward. Step by step, she approached him. She, like Jairus, fell at his feet.
How could she explain herself? Humiliated, she lifted her eyes to Jesus. But rather than be subjected to the condemnation she expected, she was surprised to see kindness in his eyes. Haltingly she spoke through lips that would hardly work for her trembling. She explained as delicately as she could about her hemorrhaging. How her fingers had brushed the fringe. How she had been cured.
Jesus smiled into her eyes. She wanted to remain anonymous, just another woman in the crowd. Jesus wanted to make it personal. “Daughter,” he gently said, “your faith has made you well.” Daughter! Of all the ways to address her, this was the least expected. After twelve years of being an outcast, unclean, contaminating everything and everyone with the slightest touch, Jesus was calling her daughter
Jesus continued. “Go in peace,” he told her. “And be healed of your affliction.”

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Girl in Eastern Europe

Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self-importance. 
-J Donald Walters

Please pardon my absence from my weekly country and person highlight. A 'bout of the flu, touched with traveling during the Easter holiday, set me back a week. My apologies.

This week, I would like to introduce you to a new friend, Meghan Jones, and a new country I have yet to discover: Romania. Over this past month, the country of Romania has come up in conversation again and again. One of these conversations of passion and great conviction came from Meghan. Her heart has been on the country of Romania and its people for years now. For the past couple of years, she has been unable to shake this "call" on her life. And though this summer, she is going to Romania for the first time, I believe that it's going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. And after meeting Meghan in person and researching the enchanting charm of Romania, I knew that they were going to be my feature for the week.

Both Romania and Meghan are charming and yet mysterious. Romania, like Meghan, is a country that you aren't quite sure where to put your finger on it, but you know that you'll be "friends" even before you go. Maybe it's the enchanting castles or the vast countryside or the cry of orphans left in the street that leave you going to fight for justice. I believe it's a combination of all of the above. And though Meghan has yet to visit Romania and it's still on my "wish list" of places to go, I can see how the two go perfectly hand in hand.

So raise a glass and tip your hats and say a prayer for this eastern european wonder and the girl going to embrace it!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Week of Refreshment

She's finding her beauty. She's finding her grace. She's finding her whole heart. She's showing her face in the light...Standing on the other side of forgiveness. You are different now; I can see it. Standing on the other side of all my angry walls; I don't judge you at all.
-Laura Woodley Osman

The words above are my heart. It describes right where I am and where I believe I am headed. This week, I was struck down by the flu. This is a virus that I don't wish on anyone. It knocks you out and your only friend is the bed. During this time, my only option was to rest, drink loads of water, and wait for the healing. Today was the first day this week that I've woken up and felt truly like a new person. Granted, there are still parts of me that are fatigued, but it was truly as if today was a NEW day! One of the first things that I realized as I felt this refreshment in my soul was that each day is a gift. 

There have been various shifts that have occurred in my life over the past couple of months. Each one was unexpected and tried to keep me from proclaiming the goodness of God. And for a bit, I'm sure  my faith was set back, but praise be to God who always has the last word. He has my heart and is therefore the warrior of it! Walking this life as a single woman in her thirties isn't always easy. Where is my place, since I am one of the few in this stage of life who isn't married and doesn't own a home or have children? Where do I fit? 

And then I hear the Lord say: You fit right here with me. Your home is right here with me. You aren't forgotten. You are seen and used more than you know. You are called to a life that shines! You fit right here with me. Isn't Jesus amazing? I can't say that I always understand or like what the Lord does or is doing, but I am learning more and more that He can always be trusted. Through this season, I believe with all of my heart that He is "setting me up to receive." But in order to receive, I have to trust him with all areas of my heart. 

And so, I take a step forward and say--ok, I trust you, Father. I trust you because you are the one who sees the bigger picture. You are the One who has had my heart from the beginning and you've never left me--not even for a moment. And in everything, you've been teaching me and growing me in your love. You've been teaching me to open up before others--letting them see what you've seen all along and have called lovely. You are my everything and I love you! You are faithful to the end. You are faithful when all of my faith has left me. You remain and my heart remains forever yours.

Taking steps of faith forward are often difficult and challenging, but taking them with Jesus is always good. Life with him is continually good!! So, take your step forward. Drink the cup of refreshment who is the Holy Spirit. Rest in the arms of the Father. And let the Healer, Jesus, do just that--heal you.

Until next week...Hellen

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Step Back in Time

Have you ever had those days that your heart goes back in time a bit? This evening has been one of those times. Maybe it's because spring is in the air and the days are now longer. Whatever it is, I'm thankful. As a child (and I must confess, as an adult), I was an avid lover of musicals. I would act out and sing on end the beautiful melodies composed from decades before me and immerse myself in the characters. Their voices wouldn't just sing, but they would take you into the scene and you felt their joy, excitement, pain, and anguish. And tonight, my musical friends took me back to that place! Cornfields on a sunny day, summer nights on a carousel, the beauty of children in Paris, running out in the rain, and being blindsided by love--all awakened my heart and brought a smile to my face.

So, this is entry is to simply encourage you to step back a few years. Dress up. Go camping. Go to the ballet or symphony. Sign up for dance lessons. Sing. Paint. Remember the simple wonders of being a child and embrace your inner kid within.

I leave you with some lyrics from one of my favorite musicals: Oklahoma.

Don't throw bouquets at me.
Don't please my folks too much.
Don't laugh at my jokes too much.
People will say we're in love.

Don't sigh and gaze at me.
Your sighs are so like mine.
Your eyes mustn't glow like mine.
People will say we're in love.

Don't start collecting things.
Give me my rose and my glove.
Sweetheart, they're suspecting things.
People will say we're in love.

Don't praise my charm too much.
Don't look so vain with me.
Don't stand in the rain with me.
People will say we're in love.

Don't take my arm too much.
Don't keep your hand in mine.
Your hand feels so grand in mine.
People will say we're in love.

Don't dance all night with me.
'Til the stars fade from above.
They'll see it's alright with me.
People will say we're in love.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Revive. Restore. Renew.

You revive me, Lord. And all my deserts are rivers of joy. You are the treasure I could not afford. So I'll spend myself 'til I'm empty and poor--all for you. You revive me, Lord!

Worship is a beautiful thing. With every move, word, and decision that we make, our hearts have the opportunity to worship. We can either choose to worship the King of kings--Jesus or something or someone else. Everyone and everything other than Jesus will fall to the ground. They won't be able to sustain and fulfill our hearts. But worship to Jesus not only brings praise and joy and glory to the King, but an amazing thing happens. He not only receives, but he gives back 100-fold. He supplies our hearts with the overflowing love and joy that only He can give and then allows us to pour it back on Himself. What an amazing thing!!!! 

Today, I heard an amazing statement: God offends the mind to reveal the heart. I realized that God will do whatever it takes to expose the dark to allow His light to shine. I believe that one of the beautiful things about worship is that it is always an overflow of the heart. And when we worship Jesus, He is so pure that he bolts through any obscurity or lie to reveal himself and his truth. 

And so, at this juncture, I'm starting to see how my mind gets easily offended. But it is in these moments that Jesus is revealing my heart. He reveals what has been in my heart all along, but his jealous heart is so kind that he can't stand for me to remain there anymore. And so, he offends my mind and forces me to take a good look at what has been there all along. Oh, the sweet love and kindness of Jesus! 

May our hearts and minds continually be revived, renewed, restored, and reconciled to Christ alone! May we worship Jesus alone and may his sweet Spirit come and have his way--for He is worth it!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Crack in the Door

How I love You, Jesus!

The words above keep resonating in my heart and spirit. It's been a crazy couple of days, but there's been a crack in the door of my heart. Part of my heart was split in two, but where it began to break in response to a deep ache inside, the light of love began to stream through it. And it then began to sing...

How I love You. How I love you, Jesus! Through it all, You remain. Your light shines through the dark crevices of this heart of mine and I find myself overwhelmed, unwrapped, uncovered, and astonished! I don't know where we are going or what you have in store, but I have to stand on the TRUTH that you are good. You are always good. You never fail. You never leave. You take the mess of my heart and restore it. You renew my heart and give me Yours! How I love You, Jesus! How I love you. I don't know how to love, but still--my heart cries out: I love you, Jesus! I love you!

Life is filled with uncertainties and shifts in our lives. Life is filled with wonders and treasures beyond belief, but the most magnificent wonder and treasure is that of Jesus. He takes hold of us and captures us beyond belief and takes us up mountains, around corners, through waters, fires, storms, and places of stillness--all to show us who HE is and to GIVE us life--to BREATHE into our very beings HIMSELF.

This in turn, causes our hearts to say: How I love you, Jesus! How I love you!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Isaiah 43

Forget about what’s happened;
don't keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new.
It's bursting out! Don't you see it?
-Isaiah 43:18-19 (MSG)

What a couple of challenging past days it's been! I feel like a need to take a deep breath and breathe out. I recently was blessed beyond measure at praying for a young lady and witnessing her healed inside and out. It was beautiful, but shortly afterwards the night swept in like a thief. Needless to say, there were quite a few circumstances that occurred me to take notice and reevaluate my life.

I recently started a new job out of my home. I wasn't expecting to have a shift in my professional life, but it came just the same. Now, there is a shift happening in my personal life and as much as I don't want to say good-bye to the past, the Lord is calling me to do so in order to heal and to see the fullness of the new thing He's bringing forth in my life!

So, I guess that my word/encouragement to you is that you would allow the Lord to take you where He wants. Look ahead and see that he's doing a new and amazing thing! Get ready and move forward in the things of Him alone! Blessings to you and your heart!

Friday, February 22, 2013


Look as a photographer does. 
Use all your lenses and change your position:
from close-up to wide-angle, from ariel to x-ray.
Take in the small things but zoom out to see the full picture.
Look beyond the obvious.
Relish the complexities and the relationships.
-Patrick Lindsay

Do you ever carry the habit to continually look at circumstances or situations from one perspective? Maybe you see things so closely that you are unable to see the magnifying picture. Maybe you look so broadly that you can't see the specifics needed for a situation. Personally, I know that the subject of perspective was challenging for me. When I was taking my studio drawing classes in classes, it took months of practice to get my perspectives just right. Somehow, the shape of an object would appear "flat" or "obscure" in my drawing. It took patience, direction, and guidance from my professor to train my eye to a new perspective.

As it is with art, I believe that the same lesson applies to our daily lives. We hit joys and challenges along the way. There are life events that trigger us and can either cause us to gain or lose perspective: the birth/loss of a child, a failed marriage, physical/terminal illness, loss of a job, a promotion, an inheritance. The list goes on, but the key is--how will we respond? How will we look at and into the situation? Will we allow the circumstance to obscure our response or will we remain steadfast in our perspective?

James speaks of how we are to "remain steadfast" (1:12) under life's circumstances. We aren't to give way, but to look to the One who is in charge of it all. He calls us to see from His perspective, so that we may dwell with Him and find peace. He is the Giver of all life and is able to see a situation from beginning to end. So, as I asked my art professor to teach me about perspective, ask Jesus to teach you how to see from His perspective. As you listen and obey, you will be amazed as you learn to see as He sees.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Evident Prepared Change.

Jesus, tune our hearts to yours. Realign us. Recalibrate us. Give us wisdom. Let us see things like you do. Let our lives be led by Peace. -Jenn Johnson

As a coastal southern gal, I've adapted to be expectant for sudden weather changes. As a teenager, my closet used to have my sweaters next to my tank tops. I felt like I needed to prepare for whatever changes came across my path. Upon reading this prayer quoted by Jenn Johnson and watching the rain pour like buckets from the sky outside my condo, I was reminded of how evident change is. I was also reminded of how the Holy Spirit is the same, but forever changing all at the same time. We need to be ready to move wherever the Lord says move. We need our hearts turned to him because unlike the weather advisors, his word is always correct. He is unpredictable, but never unpredictable. I love that! 

So, today, if your heart is out of sorts, or you have been trying to tune your own life, take a moment and stop. Ask Jesus to tune your heart to his. Ask him to realign you and to set your heart with an unbelievable hunger for himself alone. He is more than able.

And get ready. He'll take you on an adventure and will tell you exactly what you need when you need it. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hope Tied Tightly With Trust and Faith

We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. -Hebrews 6:18

Hope. It's a challenging word. It's even more challenging to live through it. But as Christians, we are called to cling to it because our ultimate hope is Jesus Christ. I've been discovering and pondering (particularly today) how trust and hope go hand in hand. They are almost one and the same and they tie themselves to faith. 

I have been in a season of transition for the past month and to say that it's been challenging is an understatement. My heart has had to learn how to squeeze tightly to Jesus and to befriend the disciplines of stillness, patience, hope, trust, and faith. Like a tree awaits the spring after the winter, so my heart has been awaiting for promises to be fulfilled and for a new season. But there's something to be said of having to discipline our souls and hearts to place their trust in the Lord. The waiting and the perseverance builds character. It also reveals the inadequacies and weaknesses in us--reminding us forever the same that we are a people in desperate need. We need the Lord to come through. We need him to reveal His ways to us. We need a deep drink from His fountain of life, so that we are able to keep moving forward.

I'm still waiting for the Lord to move upon my heart and situation. Some days move as slowly as the dripping directly from the honeycomb. Others move by so rapidly, I almost feel that I am out of time. But the Lord's timing is always perfect. Never forget this. Let it resonate deeply in every fiber of your being. Your hope is in the living God! He isn't dead. He's alive and active in your life!!! He truly is. Grab hold of hope and you will find its companions of trust and faith.

I'm grabbing ahold today. Are you?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Beautiful Change

Our days consist of the mundane mixed in with continual surprises--good and bad. The one constant in our life is knowing that our lives are forever changing. This is a challenging truth to swallow. Because, let's face it: We get used to things being as they are. Change is difficult and uncertain. It causes us to show our true colors and forces us into the abyss of the unknown. Whether it's a move, a new relationship, a loss, or physical ailment, change is emminent.

My life is in the midst of change at the moment. Honestly, I've been here emotionally for a month, but was unwilling to truly accept it. I liked my life where it was. I had a plan of where it would be within 5 years and then 10 years and then change came. It swept in like a tornado--no warning or indicator that it was coming. It just came. It uprooted me and left me in a place of reflection.

And I'm not comfortable here. I'm truly not. But I know that when extreme change has occurred in the past, amazing surprises followed. And so, I hold on--like a skydiver clenching to the parachute on his back. There is uncertainty on where exactly he'll land, but he knows that he'll land just the same. And for the moment, he's given the gift of looking at the world from a new perspective--soaking in the ride as he makes his plan for the landing.

So, for those of you who might be uncertain of the change that is ever before you, don't be afraid of it and don't try to "plan" it out before it occurs. Just take it when it comes. Think of it as an adventure and embrace the exciting unknown before you. After all, it's just a turn in the journey--this beautiful journey of life that you're on!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Words Unspoken

Each day is a gift--truly, it is. Recently, my heart has been exposed and is definitely more raw & aware than I thought it could ever be. I've been reflecting on moments--those that have stirred me, touched me, & have truly left me changed. As I've started recalling them, I've realized how many of them occurred without a single word being spoken. There was a look or a touch--an unspoken place in time. Whether it was through holding a dying child or sitting quietly in my father's reading room with nothing but a peaceful fire to keep us company, my heart was stirred. I was reminded that it's in the "little" moments that draw our hearts together. It is in the small that the "big" pivotal moments happen.

So why is it that we're continually seeking for giant moments to see that our lives are worthwhile? Life is like a puzzle. You pour out the pieces from the box & each piece is scattered to its own, but shape by shape, the colors come together & form a picture that was absent before. And it's in those small pieces that bring an epiphany to what was there the entire time. And so it is with our unspoken moments. When the moment comes (and it will), don't try to fill the space with words, but allow yourself to "be" in the moment. You will find yourself changed & speaking to the unspoken places in that moment--unspoken places of the heart.