Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Father's Precious Treasures

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 ~Day 8 (Kara)

I never imagined that when I lost my heart and fully engaged loving on kiddos in India that it would be to the special needs children at Sarah's Covenant Homes.  These children are the most unwanted and unloved children in all of India.  They are good for nothing here, not even trafficking.  Their living conditions at SCH aren't the best although they are nice for India.  Yet their entire beings light up at the simplest of things - a smile, a hug, or spinning in circles.  As my heart opened wider and wider in love, I looked around and thought, "Why would anyone not want these children?"  Sure, they are more work than a "normal" child, but they bring five-times more joy and give five-times more love.  They are cradled in the Father's hand and precious in His eyes.  Their eyes carry the light of Perfect Love and that, my friends, is priceless!

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Saturday, December 1, 2012

From the heart & perspective of Hellen

Today was a day filled with adventure & beauty. We as a team headed out for a day into the Aruku Mountains. With each turn, the air was fresher & cooler--touching the deep parts of our hearts. From the mango trees to the coffee fields, we were able to see India from a new perspective. Though the landscape was breathtaking, I would have to say that the moment which truly took my breath away was 2 fisherman on our boat ride & what the Lord was stirring in each of their hearts. I sensed a curiosity and so towards the end of our ride, I asked them if they sensed something different. They said 'yes'. They noticed a peace. I then began talking to them about my best friend--Jesus. One man, Abubu, held nothing back & gave his life in full to Jesus. As he was doing so, the village surrounded around us and started to watch. It was a beautiful & unexpected surprise to our day of travel.

So, I would have to say that this was a reminder to me & the team that we are to hold nothing back because Jesus paid it all & is worth it all! Let your light shine where you are. Be sensitive to His voice & learn to walk in His presence. Because your life is meant to be an ADVENTURE!!! Peace to your soul this blessed Christmas season.

A Day of Worship and Prayer

(Sunday - December 2, 2012)

When asked to use one word to describe today, I chose "peaceful." I really felt it was a day to just rest in God's presence and find peace in him.

We held a Sunday service with the children and staff at Impact. The kids were so wonderful. We taught them a lesson on how Jesus loves them no matter what and  they got to get their picture taken with my Instax camera (like a Polaroid camera), which we stuck onto a piece of paper for them so they could decorate. The paper said "Who does Jesus love?" and they got to write their names. The kids loved it!

Frankie played some fun songs for the kids afterwards. They really seem attached to the "Oh! Happy Day!" song and they were laughing and giggling and just having a good time. Chelsea and Kara each had an opportunity to speak to the kids. They both did an amazing job sharing parts of their own lives and relating it to how Jesus is enough. I think that even if the kids don't fully understand what this means right now, these messages will be something that sticks with their hearts forever. I hope some day they will look back and remember what Chelsea and Kara shared with them and just find so much comfort and strength in it.
I know that God has amazing plans for these kids and for Impact Ministries. As we proceeded with the service: worshiping and praying together...praying over the kids and staff...having them pray over us...simply praising the could just feel God's presence. He was so there and full of so many blessings and so much grace. It warmed my heart to know that despite the baggage and scars the kids have, God is not going to let that keep them down. He is going to turn their heartache and pain into something so good and they will become amazing warriors for Christ in this broken country.

It has been such a blessing to be with Raj and Coleen and these beautiful children. They are all such beacons of hope admits so much darkness. Truly a light blazing for Jesus. It was wonderful to relax over lunch and then spend the rest of the afternoon playing with the kids.

I cannot describe how amazing it feels to have one of these children run up to you and throw their arms around you. Raj and Coleen have told us that they feel so thankful that we were all willing to come here and just love on their kids but really I cannot put into words how thankful I am to be able to be here and be loved on by these kids. They are just so happy to be with us it hurts my heart. I'm sure the rest of the team feels this way as well, but just that God would choose us...that God would choose me to be here is such a blessing and so amazing. I cannot say "Thank you!" to him enough!

In the evening we all headed over to a school for the blind. It was an experience that was filled with so much hope. I felt it was just so wonderful to see these people who have been abused and thrown away from society and yet they have found refuge in Christ and are able to be such and example for him.
Brittney pointed out that it is so sad to think of how society will see these people as being lesser but she see them as being stronger. She said that they have to do the same things we do every day only they cannot see. I really like how she pointed out that God has given them such a blessing in their blindness because it serves as a constant reminder to them to lean on God and to trust him.

It was powerful to see  these people singing and worshiping God. I was thankful to be given the opportunity to share with them a little bit of my own story and I hope it was encouraging to them. Debbie also talked a bit about her past and how she was able to learn to depend on God. I pray that the students were able to find comfort and peace in this.

After sharing and worshiping together, we were all able to go out and pray for each and every person there. I feel in my heart that this was an uplifting and powerful experience for all of the students and staff and I hope that they will always find strength in Jesus.

We ended the evening at the school serving dinner to the students. It was really just all so peaceful and encouraging.

I feel like the theme of today was trusting that Jesus is enough. This is both for the people we encountered and also ourselves. For us, we have to trust that Jesus is enough to take care of this country and to get us through the day. Our hope is in the Lord. Amen.